Are there builds which mix guns, mantisbaldes and quick hacking?

I want to control people and then use mantis blades to close distance and destroy them then sometimes keep some distance and then back out and shoot using tech weapons. Are there any builds? Now I am using netgunner type build and about to attack the alfoods.

Which type of elemental arms is better?
pure psychical or any type of specific elements?
Sure. Just go Intelligence, Reflexes and Technical Ability.

You get enough attribute points to max out all 3 attributes no problem.

As far as elemental type for arms, pick the one that suits the stat that you're increasing first (Electric for Intelligence or Physical for Reflexes)

The main thing you will encounter is the division between your 3 methods of attack and the stats that support them while leveling up as Intilligence provides the bonuses and perks to enhance your hacks (As well as enabling cyberware that provides bonuses to it), while Mantis Blades get benefits and perks from Reflexes and Tech weapons get the bonuses and perks from Tech. So it can be a little awkward as you slowly gain levels.

But, outside of the higher difficulties, you shouldn't encounter much of an issue from lacking perks when using weapons and skills (Or combining melee with Quickhacks rather than Berserk/Sandevistan)
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