Buffed units and clan shieldmaidens

Buffed units and clan shieldmaidens

So the title maybe a bit confusing and maybe it is even intentional but then I don't agree with how this works. Yesterday, I played ranked matches with my skellige deck against NR (Foltest) and the following happened to me twice.

My opponent played a unit which was buffed with Foltest and Dendilion and then I played a frost on that unit and it got damaged. After that I tried to play my clan shieldmaidens, I played the first and shot said unit but no additional shieldmaiden was spawned, although the unit was clearly damaged by my frost. It was the last round in both cases and needless to say I lost both games because instead of a 21 value swing I only got 7.

Could it be that the game doesn't register a unit as damaged because the strenght indicator is still green in that situation? The one instance was a Deathmold who entered the board as a 6 and after one round of frost it was a 5, so still one point higher as he normally starts.
Damaged unit refers unit with red number.
Red = damaged
White = normal
Green = buffed

I can understand the confusion as you did damage the unit but on technical term that unit didn't enter damaged stage.
Ah okay, If that's so my bad. I thought that this might be the case but then I don't agree with how that system works. It makes the maidens basically useless in so many situations and the wording, as you said, is rather confusing because a unit who recieved damage is damaged imo. I mean, I would agree if said unit would have been buffed again after the frost and before I play the maidens, but a buffed unit which recieves damage should be a damaged unit until it is buffed again.

But okay, now I know this and have to play around it, thanks for the info mate.
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