[BUG]? Both Sides, Now (Judy)

Is it only me or after Double Life, I am not getting quest called (both sides, now), which is a follow up judy quest. And before you will tell me to wait, I already reached a quest called "Nocturne Op55N1" (which is close to the end of the game). So my question would be, is there a trigger I missed or do I need to do something?
Judy gave me a text asking "if I found voddo boys yet" quite a few missions ago. At the end of the texts she says the "has to go" which I assume soon after I should get the mission, no? And if I make my way to Judy's appartment (I remember where it is), this is what I see

EDIT: Nvm, got it solved, she called me after I finished first Panem Side quest


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I've got this problem as well. I read online that completing Double Life is supposed to trigger a phone call from Judy 24 hours later which would start Both Sides, Now and I'm much further along than that. I did all of the Panam side quests too so I know it's not that.
I've got this problem as well. I read online that completing Double Life is supposed to trigger a phone call from Judy 24 hours later which would start Both Sides, Now and I'm much further along than that. I did all of the Panam side quests too so I know it's not that.
hey, i've got the same problem here i have finished the double life and waited 24 in game hours but judy didn't call me. i did so many gigs and Panam and also Elizabeth don't no what side quest XD. do you what should i do for activating both side now quest ? oh and also i read you should be far away from her apartment to get the call but it didn't work for me either
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