Judy Bug

Hello everyone,
with the patch 2.1 of cyberpunk encountered a problem with Judy. I will preface this by saying that I have finished the main game and the dlc as well as of course Judy's missions, unfortunately as of now Judy is not answering calls and going home I find her facing the window (closed) and it is not possible to interact with her in any way. Since this update was making people spend more time with their partner, this issue is quite annoying, has anyone experienced the same problem as me?
That's also happening to me when visiting Judy's apartment after doing a date at Vs apartment. V also can't sleep at Judy's apartment while that's happening.
I've just gotten another text about sending Judy flowers. Not sure if that'll fix the issue with Judy silently standing by her window, but hopefully.


Forum regular
In my case something a little different happened, after the update Judy disappeared from my game, she also didn't answer calls, but when visiting her apartment the windows were closed, I couldn't sleep, nor interact with practically anything there. I was able to solve this problem by inviting Judy to come to V's apartment in H10. After the meeting, Judy reappeared in her apartment and she started to answer calls and interact normally, this also solved the bug that made it impossible for V to sleep in the H10 apartment.

I invited her through the romantic hangout system. Judy is my romance, so when I started the game after the update, she sent me a message to initiate the quest 'I really want to stay at your house,' which is one of the new additions from the update 2.1. When responding to the message, you can invite her to any of V's apartments. It was through this text message that I invited her to H10. Idk but if the bug occurs even without Judy being V's romance, the solution I presented won't be possible because Judy only sends the message allowing you to invite her to one of the apartments if she is V's romantic partner.
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good to know i'm not the only one annoyed with this XD i submitted a ticket. basically what i'm seeing:
- windows all shut
- Bed cannot be slept in
- no convo with Judy
- Doesn't answer any calls (forgot to mention that in my report)
Cyberpunk 2077-2023_12_06-01_07_14.jpg
Cyberpunk 2077-2023_12_06-01_07_20.jpg


Forum veteran
How is this still a thing?
I thought it got fixed with patch 1.5. How old is the root of your save file? In other words: Did you create the V of your current play-through before patch 1.5?

Any idea how to solve this?
Judy doesn't call me back since a while, and I think it's a bug.
I just finished the Delamain quest. Tried to visit Judy to see if she's still bugged. [...] No changes after reinstallation,
Judy called back [while visiting Reconciliation Park]
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apparently this is as designed. i got a response to my ticket:

Thank you for contacting us!

Once you have the quest " I really want to stay at your house" active, Judy will not interact with you, you will not be able to sleep in her bed and the shutters in her apartment will be closed until the quest is completed.

Best regards,
Dancing Shrimp
"As designed." :shrug:



Just to be clear, I'm not criticising/poking fun at ultamisia (indeed, I'm grateful for the report on the ticket response). I'm just pointing out that there is still something quite broken here and that CDPR's response doesn't really address all the problems with the quest. For me, while the quest is running, Judy appears like this. However, I have seen other people saying that she can be found leaning on the windowsill in the main room with her nose pressed against the closed shutter (see screenshot in ultamisia's earlier post).

So, yeah, the things mentioned might well be what CDPR wanted to make happen, but I'm sure that Judy standing in the wall beside her bed is not.
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apparently this is as designed. i got a response to my ticket:

Thank you for contacting us!

Once you have the quest " I really want to stay at your house" active, Judy will not interact with you, you will not be able to sleep in her bed and the shutters in her apartment will be closed until the quest is completed.

Best regards,
Dancing Shrimp
So why didn't they just lock the doors? It's weird that you can send a gift to Judy, go to her apartment and see the gift, but not interact with Judy or sleep there.
It's likely an issue at a deeper level of the game. It's possible that other quests may overlap with scripts in this quest, resulting in the game potentially getting caught in a catch 22 and crashing or ending up in an endless loop. To prevent that, sometimes the quests need to be left in a weird state to prevent even more going wrong later.

Think of it as a pillar blocking a door. I can't easily get through this door. It's really annoying because there's a pillar in the way. But fixing it is going to make the roof cave in, because I'll have to remove the pillar. So, my only two options are use this partially blocked door as is...or cause a cave-in and all the damage that will create to try to move the pillar.

Normally, that's what a situation like this would indicate, only in terms of code. Yes, it's wonky and quite weird if you get into this situation, but it sounds as if it's working as it needs to for the rest of the game to function around it.
This issue is not only with Judy.
I have the same one with Panam.

Dunno about male partners tho.

After the first date we are unable to have a call with them and their apartments are unable for us to sleep.
Mb it will work after second date I dunno, need to test. I'm on that "Wait 2 days till the next date" period.
(Aldecaldo's Camp has loong time issue with unavailability to sleep there time to time btw).

Also by now I'm unable to sleep even at my H10 apartments :shrug:
So why didn't they just lock the doors? It's weird that you can send a gift to Judy, go to her apartment and see the gift, but not interact with Judy or sleep there.
Even if it doesn't clash with the other quests (as SigilFey suggested (and it probably would have the potential to do that)), the game makes a big point of Judy giving you access to her apartment. So, you should have access to it at all times anyway. :D

Surely, it really just needs to be a case of moving Judy somewhere that the player cannot reach at times when CDPR do not want the player to interact with her? She doesn't need to be at her apartment when we can't engage with her anyway.
Have you guys found a way to get rid of this bug?
Regarding Judy disappearing from my game or staying in her apartment with the windows closed and not interacting, at least for me, it was resolved after the latest update. However, concerning not being able to call her it's related to the quest "I really want to stay at your house," as strange as it may seem, I read somewhere that this is not considered a bug because the character is part of a quest that is theoretically active. The only way I found to work around this is to meet her and complete the quest. Since this quest is a loop, you will be able to call or interact with her for a period of approximately 2 days in the game until you receive her message, which triggers the quest to restart.
Bumping this: Judy is stuck in the wall of her bedroom. Lots of people have this problem. It needs addressing. She works fine outside the house and interacts normally elsewhere, but I cannot stay at her apartment as a result A search shows this bug is all over the place and needs fixing.
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That's also happening to me when visiting Judy's apartment after doing a date at Vs apartment. V also can't sleep at Judy's apartment while that's happening.
I've just gotten another text about sending Judy flowers. Not sure if that'll fix the issue with Judy silently standing by her window, but hopefully.

Yeap this started for me too after a date at my apartment, the first one in fact. Except in my case she's stuck in the wall by her bed, and I cannot sleep at the apartment, either. The messages and interactions there seem normal, I sent her a model car instead of the flowers.
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Regarding Judy disappearing from my game or staying in her apartment with the windows closed and not interacting, at least for me, it was resolved after the latest update. However, concerning not being able to call her it's related to the quest "I really want to stay at your house," as strange as it may seem, I read somewhere that this is not considered a bug because the character is part of a quest that is theoretically active. The only way I found to work around this is to meet her and complete the quest. Since this quest is a loop, you will be able to call or interact with her for a period of approximately 2 days in the game until you receive her message, which triggers the quest to restart.

This does not get rid of the bug. We've had three dates, and she always returns to being stuck in the wall next to her bed. I have no mods whatsoever.
My situation is a bit different, I recently reset my game, and I played up until Double Life, then it basically did this freeze where Judy is stuck on the window and won't text me regarding the next mission, anyone have a fix yet? I'm on last gen so idk.
I'm playing through the game a second time as female V (after playing as male V for my first playthru when the game first released). I got through the Pisces quest with Judy, she gave me a kiss, yadda yadda and now the next part of her questline (Pyramid Song) won't trigger no matter what I do.
I've slept/waited a week in game, tried the various fixes online like calling Mr Hands and playing thru Jonny at the oilfields, and tried doing various side quests/gigs. Nothing seems to get this to trigger.
I verified with quest guides that I made the right choices in Pisces. So this is frustrating. Still a great game but how is this bugged?
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