Bug with Aaard; much too strong for it's value (200)

Bug with Aaard; much too strong for it's value (200)

If Frost and Fog is spawned but the non-weatherresistant bronze cards in the Close Combat row have values bigger than 1 (which is always possible after applying the weather effect; for example with the Commander's horn card) applying the Geralt: Aaard card does not only remove one strength like it says in the description of the card but instead makes 3 non-weatherresistant cards completely disappear instead.

This is highly annoying and completely ruins the balance of the game.


This is working the way it's supposed to. Aard pushes the units into the next row that has a weather effect, which decreases their strength to 1 and then Aard removes that one strength, destryoing the units. Before the Nilfgaard patch Geralt Aard would not only push three, but the entire row and destroy it if there was weather on the row. It has been nerfed to be only three units now and it looks like with the next patch it will be one unit and the two units next to it. It's not only when frost and fog is played, but when the row that Geralt pushes the units into has a weather effect (so in this case fog alone would do it).

It's a powerful combo and devastating if you get surprised by it, but there are, in my opinion, enough ways to play around it. Weathering and then Aard takes two turns, giving you chance to prepare and remove the weather. You could also try the Blizzard potion to make units weather immune (although that's a very situational card), promote units to gold if you suspect an Aard coming (Northern Realms) or put weather immune cards into the deck (depending on the faction). In a monster deck you could use Kayran to eath high strength units as well. It also encourages not putting all strength into one row and Aard can not target the siege row.

Especially early, when you don't have many cards, the card is very strong, when you don't have all the possible answers, but if you keep the possibility of Aard in mind you can minimize the damage or find a good time to pass and know your opponent has already spent his power. I found it a very frustrating card as well in the beginning, but after a while I got used to playing around it and it wasn't such a problem anymore. It's a bit too powerful early though and I agree that it would make sense to make it 800 scraps for the power it often gives.
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Thanks for your answer!

Sorry, this is just plain bad.
It makes the monster weather deck player almost unbeatable. She/He is anyway favoured and can only get challenged with a very good hand. Why allow other decks at all then??
And you can NOT usually counter it since the weather deck player usually has several weather cards in his hand and you have at best only one clear sky possibility. The weather deck player simply applies another weather card and you are busted.

Just compare Geralt: Aard with other 200 cards like Woodland Spirit and you can see the difference!!

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