Create, again

Yeah i know it's an old topic but there are still some create cards in the game and it feels like this mechanic is in some kind of limbo. There are still Create cards in the game but looking at the new expansion reveals i doubt we'll have any more. Personally i don't dislike the mechanic and i think it could have a place in the game.

I'd like to make some suggestions for some tools that would make create more interesting and perhaps could be used in new expansions.

1) provision base
Imperial Diplomacy - Create and play a 5 provision cost bronze card from your opponent's faction.

2) tag based, especially obscure ones
Uma's Curse - Create and play a Cursed gold unit from any faction.

Currently the cursed tag does nothing and i think 10-15 possibilities is the sweet spot for create, the avg provision value is ~8.5 for such a card.

3) delivery tool for an effect
Morana Runestone - Create and play a bronze Scoia'tael unit, give it Vitality for 4 turns.
Devana Runestone - Create and play a bronze Monster unit, give it Deathwish: Spawn 3 Arachas drones and summon them to this row.
Stribog Runestone - Create and play a bronze Skellige unit, then duel the highest enemy.

Naturally each runestone would be priced accordingly.

4) for combo effects
Aguara: True Form - Deploy (Ranged): Create a neutral bronze special card and add a copy of it to each player's hand.

Can be used to guarantee serpent trap, or a geralt if you take Swallow, or a poison, etc.
HOWEVER thinking about this card made me understand why Operator had to change, hand size. Player first with 10 card in hand practically gives you card advantage, personally i hope there could be a solution to this so we have more card that add cards to hand. I think simply having it not work if opponent hand is full is viable, Isbel has a similar condition.

Lastly, not related to Create but wanted to suggest a card rework:

Colossal Ifrit - Deploy: Damage all units on the opposite row by 1. After you play a unit that costs 11 or more provisions, repeat the Deploy ability.

I think this type of provision based effect deserve more exploration.
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Personally i dislike Create mechanic. Competitive Create mechanic looks disgusting when you highroll value.
I'm a big fan of the Create-Mech, it gives the game a real challenge besides the boring and uninspiral META encounters. Anticipation is the key with Create! Discard-Create-Zoltan must be one of the most fun decks to play with. In fact we face a bug here where Zoltan's created Birds disappear in the Graveyard.
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