Display the Number of Cards, Variations and Premiums Owned When Opening Kegs

Display the Number of Cards, Variations and Premiums Owned When Opening Kegs

So, when opening keg we have 4 random cards in 1st wave, and have to choose 1 of 3 in 2nd wave.
I have a proposal about that 2-nd wave - to notice quantity of those cards you already have.
For example I am playing rarely as Nohtern Realms, and can't remember all cards I already have. When opening keg I can recieve good proposal of unique card. But what if I already have one of them?
My proposal is on attached image.


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Good idea, thought about it myself. Would like to be able to see what cards I have when I choose because I forget myself.
Card Review when opening barrels

While I was reviewing cards during draft, I wanted to review my deck to see how many of a particular card I had, but there's no chance to. I'm not exactly sure on how to implement it (other than maybe giving you a counter for any card you own, so if you have, say, a Wild Hunt Rider, it'll give you an indicator that you have 2 or 3 or whatever number), but it's something that would be useful to ensure better pulls from a draft.
[Suggestion] Show collection while opening new kegs

When I open a keg I must choose a card to keep out of the last three that show. I have no way of seeing whether or not one of these cards is already in my collection. I've already made a mistake at least once in choosing a card that I already had. This was partially due to me not knowing that I could only have one gold card per deck. On top of this, I would like to choose which card I would like to keep based on which one fits into my current collection.
Show the amount of cards owned while picking a card from the keg

While you are in the screen to pick the last card of your keg, you should be shown the amount you have of each card already.

Sometimes I'm not sure, if I got a card 3 times already or only twice and it'd feel really bad, if I ended up with 4 of the same card being forced to mill it, when I could have picked something else.

Also, and I know that had been said already, please change the colors that indicate the rarity, I'm colorblind and it's such a struggle^^

kinda like in my picture, but better looking^^

also make it a little warning, if someone already has the max amount they can play (new players may don't know, they can only play gold and silver cards once)


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ccv123;n6925960 said:
Sometimes I'm not sure, if I got a card 3 times already or only twice and it'd would feel really bad, if I ended up with 4 of the same card being forced to mill it, when I could have picked something else.

I felt bad quite a few times by now :sad:

This missing thing has improved my memory allot. But i agree that you need to have a warning in the second step 3 card choice if you have the card or not.
If you play more than 1 hour each day, the memory thing might work.
And I think 99% of us closed beta players play far more than that.

But when the game is released and casuals play 2 or 3 hours per week, they have no chance of remembering their exact card pool.
I think they'll be forced to implement something here, if they don't want this to become a bad stigma of the game..

Koaalar.424;n6927220 said:
I felt bad quite a few times by now :sad:

Yeah... I my 1st post I said "would feel bad"... but now it already happend...
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Opening Kegs and "How many copies do i already have of this one"

I can't count how many times i had chosen to keep a card that exceeded my card limit for it. I would propose giving players some way to see how many copies of each card in "choose your card" keg section we already own. I cannot speak for other players but in my opinion that would be easy "quality of life" improvement.

Thank you for reading this suggestion/bad memory rant.
Yes, REALLY important. Please do this asap or if not possible let us switch to our collection to check before/while choosing.
Suggestion: Showing the amount of cards owned during Keg opening pick phase

Assuming the rare cards you get in a keg are not influenced by the cards you own in your collection it would be really helpful if the amount of the pickable cards during keg opening could be shown. Especially if the card pool increases in size over time you can't expect the player to know if he already owns a certain offered card. If its a silver or gold card it would not make sense to pick any duplivcate since those cards would basically be scraps. Its frustrating if you pick a silver card you already own if there is a chance not to do so.
Sometimes too I think you want to know if you own related cards to the one available. For example, if you want to know if you own a certain crone or whatever. Perhaps the harder but more robust solution would be to just show you the collection. Sounds like it could create a UX flow nightmare.
Yeah, totally agree.

Something like "You have 2/3" for Bronze or "You have 1/1" for Silvers and Golds above card picks would be great.

Edit: Also, we need a really good explanation, that you cannot use more than 3 of a card with the same name, even if we can have like 9 of them (e.g. Wild Hunt Riders, Nekkers).
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Keg deception! 'Card Count'

Firstly - I didn't see a topic set up specifically for suggestions so thought I'd try here. I have two more but will wait for confirmation as I did note the 1 thread per note on the sticky.

On to topic.

The number of cards owned when you open a keg can be misleading to new players. As of 12/21/2016 you can only have 3 of a specific named card in your deck, Blue Stripes Commando for instance. My keg showed that I had 0 x 3 because I did not have the specific artwork presented in the keg but did indeed have 3 of that type of card. Personally I was happy to complete the set and milled the second card that I had of the other artwork but a new player might think they could add this to their deck that already has three of the type and miss the opportunity to enhance other decks. It could appear misleading and discourage young players.

Projeckt Red, let me know if this is the right area as I stated I have a few others for the developers but wish to adhere to the thread requests but don't want to misplace suggestions.

"Set Crach an Craite at the Nilfgaardian shores" - Andrzej Sapkowski as Vizimir
ledgerline;n7317770 said:
The number of cards owned when you open a keg can be misleading to new players. As of 12/21/2016 you can only have 3 of a specific named card in your deck

Actually it has always been this way and it was suggested before to clarify it for new players, because it's indeed confusing to have 9 (3x3) bronze cards while only being able to use 3 max. There should be some clarification, yes.

ledgerline;n7317770 said:
Firstly - I didn't see a topic set up specifically for suggestions so thought I'd try here. I have two more but will wait for confirmation as I did note the 1 thread per note on the sticky.

It's more of a guideline, not a hard rule. It does make discussions easier.

"Already owned" mark when opening kegs

Can we please get some kind of mention when we open kegs and get to choose 1/3 cards, that would indicate if we have a particular card in other versions like gold/non-gold/different illustrations? I find it particularly frustrating when it tells me I don't have any of it, just to find out I do have a gold version or something...

Also I would like you to introduce the right click on a card option to get more details in the 1/3 pick from opening kegs.
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