Eredin: Literally Unplayable

Eredin: Literally Unplayable

Hello everyone!

Now, the latest patch got everyone some fun new tools and what else and/or the opposite (as in, profound sadness). Be that as it may, I've got a completely different issue that's severely impacting my gaming fun. You see, I don't have that many cards, but I've got one deck. It's still called the "Monsters Starter Deck". The beloved leader of which is, of course, good ol' Eredin. Now I don't know if it's just me, but ever since the last patch, he has been strangely silent. Sure, he says something ballsy when the game starts, sometimes even in a language I understand. But he also always said something else when he came into play.

Now that may just be me again, but one of the things I like about Gwent is the production values. I'm not playing it on any significant competitive level, but I deeply enjoy the card art and even more so, the sound files. Especially that the same character might say different things at different times. I used to love it when I use my leader ability to put Eredin into play, no matter how Scorched he'd become a second later. Because when it happened, he said something ballsy in his deep, wonderful voice and I felt this warmth at the bottom of my heart. Now, it's just a cold, cold 'clack', a mechanical move and an empty silence. It's very, very sad.

So in short, my complaint is simple. It has nothing to do with balance or the actual gameplay. I just want Eredin to say something when you use his leader ability and he takes the field. Because he's a pretty cool guy, and doesn't afraid of anything.

Please, hear my plea. "As dead as a greaser!"
It's not just you, and it seems to be a recurring bug with various cards. it should be fixed at some point.

You got me with your title though. I was all ready to read about how Eredin is a terrible leader ability now and for you to miss use the words literally and unplayable.
  1. This has already reported a few times (and should be in the Tech Support section).
  2. It doesn't make Eredin unplayable (as you have pointed out) XD
  3. He says: "Ess'tedd, esse creasa." Which translates to: "It is time, it will be the place."
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