Dei uma geral nas shards e coisas simples... já explicando em inglês pros DEVs:
seen so far on 1.3 PC version - brazilian portuguese translation weirdness
> No Effect Description Showing
- weapon mod: pacifier (pulverizar)
- tab "Elaboração" (crafting), the "Mochileiro" shard has no description on the right side of the creation screen
> No Effect Description Showing when equipped in a gear
- cloth mod: (pé solto) - doesn't show the evasion bonus on the gear equipped, just an empty topic bullet
> Effect Description is Wrong
- cloth mod: panacea (panacéia) - shows "LocKey#40151"
> Looks wrong in Portuguese
- Casaco Psycho de Trana Sintética Protetora - it is TRAMA, not TRANA
- Cyberwear: Shock-N-Awe (grey) - not translated, nor means nothing to a regular brazilian
- QuickHack: Ping - used to call "Chamar" (which means call). 1.3 changed into PING. As a programmer I like PING, but anyway...
- QuickHack: "Daemon:Fade2Black" - yep, that's the whooole name in BR-PT. It means nothing to an average brazilian and on its effect description it says the name "Ofuscamento", which also is a very old word, I mean nobody uses it anymore. My sugestion would be Cegar (Blind), Cegueira (Blindness), Escurecer Visão (Darken Vision, something close to Fade2Black) or even Truque Ótico (Optical Trick).
- Joytoy Girl at Jig-Jig street... she is named "Boneco" (male doll)... should be "Boneca" (female doll)
- email from Nadya Papayanova to Agata Leszcz isn't tranlated the title on the "Quem Quer Criar Desrordem" mission (the one with Judy). it is only "New Distributor" (Novo Distribuidor)
- a mission title is called "Welcome to Terreiro", should be "Bem vindo ao Terreiro"
- shard about the feed the cat is wrong: it is called "Aliemnta o Gato"... should be "Alimente o Gato"... also text says "se ele nao comer, jogar um cado de nicola em cima" would be better "se ele não comer, ponha um pouco de nicola por cima"
- shard "Conversa Arquivada: Izaiah e Pedro"... but the names in the actual chat are "Isaías" and "Pedrão"... and a weird line "Isaías: você poderia me dar uma dic" (then a line break and has a "?" before "Pedrão")... looks right the right would be "Isaías: você poderia me dar uma dica?", plus the proper spot for line break
- shard "Conversa Arquivada: Alvin e Serrão"... but the name in the actual chat is "Alvim" (which looks better in portuguese)... also, Serrão is OK, for a surname maybe, but a more common name in Brazil would be "Serrano"
- shard "Conversa Arquivada: Bem Azaria e Sasquatch"... but the name in the actual chat is "Ben Azaria". Also, the chat is weird... "Ben Azaria: porque aqui t" means nothing, looks like something was cut.. then "Sasquatch : VAISE FUDE" should be "Sasquatch : VAI SE FUDER"... then "Sasquatch: seus imbecil" should be "Sasquatch: seus imbecis"... then "Sasquatch: ENTAO PEGA ESA PORRA" should be "Sasquatch: ENTÃO PEGA ESA PORRA"... if it was supposed to make Sasquatch sound like a bad typer, actually it looked like she is a red neck or a dumb teenager
- shard "Estação Sayonara, de Luke Steelman" reads in a "Muito aperentemente"... should be "Muito aparentemente"
- shard "Renascidos da Terra" reads "Foi assim que a inteligência artificial surgi: de simples robores... should be ""Foi assim que a inteligência artificial surgiu: de simples robôs"
- Mission Bugs
- Vou de Taxi: Reanimação - many voices are show in the text, but no sound comes out
> Shards with weird characters or EOL that didn't happen (have a / or & in a place of line break)
Arnold Blake & Tex
Transcrição: Reuben Halifax e S4ndwurm
> Shards totally not translated (hard for most brazilians to understand)
- Arquivo: activity_Laurie_Anderson_last_24h
> My 5 Cents
- Soulkiller in BR_PT was translated as AlmaAmbulante (means a Wraith or a Lost Soul) and doesn't "click" with the Soulkiller ICE from Alt, which in the brazilian version is called
- From Stealth mode, we got "Abate não Letal", "Tomada" (takeover)
- Hacking terms... in Brazil, we use a brazilian-english-zation on some terms... Intro screen says "Invadindo" as a translate from "Breaching", but means more as a hoem invasion, not a system invasion. "Breaching" would make more sense as "Quebrando Segurança", or as a running virus, more as loading or initiating like, such as "Iniciando", "Iniciando Invasão", "Iniciando Sistema" or "Carregando", "Carregando Vírus", "Carregando Sistema".