Food/Consumables for Cleptos is ...tedious? Could be made useful!

Small nitpick here without being able to bulk select/sell things like the 1000s of bottles of alcohol I find myself collecting (because I see loot, I grab it, is my style) I find it a bit tedious.

Moreso I find the 450s buff (non-stackable) too short for me to micromanage and buff myself (yeah maybe before a fight, but usually wears off by the time I need it/forgotten).

To offer some suggestions (aside from altering my gaming psychology) :
- My preferred solution, I would absolutely love if food consumables (especially food/beverage) could be stackable up to say 60mins total as a limit ... as this would blend perfectly to a 1hr "break" at the safe house for shower/coffee buffs (and now a snack/drink) it simply fits well and the length of time is just enough to feel worthwhile/rewarding much like the shower, sleep, coffee buffs : Not only does this give me an excuse to eat 8 stacks of food and 8 stacks of beverages in one go, once an irl hour, and feel it meaningful (instead of getting like $100 wasting 5-10mins clicking to sell them and sell full stacks), it's also clearing inventory clutter and fits into existing buff/rest system.

- Let us bulk sell, or "Quick sell" things like alcohol, like Junk items, at least that have minimal purpose other than "random fun" (outside of core gameplay)

It's a minor nit-pick, sure, but sometimes the easy-to-solve, little things, make a world of difference in the long-run! (would for me)

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