Honest expectations?


My expectation of the experience I'm going to get from Cyberpunk 2077 is that...

  • ...it's going to be bad, all things considered. Not my mug of beer.

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As for now, my only real expectations is that the game will really release on december 10th.

Can we be sure about it, CDPR?


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I think it's gonna be the game of the year , honestly i can't wait to play cyberpunk since gamescom 2019
Preventing the hype for Cyberpunk 2077 from carrying me away has been a herculean effort, but I've managed it because 40+ years of life experience has taught me to temper my expectations and keep at least one foot firmly planted on the solid ground of reality and logic.

Honestly, I don't even like to use the word "expectations" because, in my opinion, it suggests that the game has to meet parameters set by me in order to be acceptable. I feel like saying " I expect [X]" makes me sound a bit entitled. After all, one person's masterpiece is another person's dumpster fire.

So, I'll say that I *hope* for the following:

  • That the game will function relatively smoothly. Let me qualify that by saying I am certain it will not release free of issues. I get an uneasy feeling we're going to see a bunch of unenlightened half-wits claiming the game is a failure because of a graphical glitch somewhere or a balancing issue or a faulty game mechanic. I hate when gamers become "armchair developers", thinking that because they played a bunch of games they know how the development process works. They don't. PERIOD. Anyone walking into this with the mindset of "it's been eight years of development and three delays; everything must work perfectly" is setting themselves up to be disappointed. The best we can do is record whatever issues we have and report them to CDPR so they can address them; don't race to Twitter or Reddit and declare "THE GAME IS TRASH"; that's not constructive in the slightest. I trust we're not getting something on the level of Fallout '76, No Man's Sky, or WWE 2K20 (at their respective launches), where so many aspects of the game are broken or bereft of substance that it is fundamentally unplayable. I trust CDPR to be better than that, and in fact, thanks to the reports of those who've had their hands on it, it seems like this wish will be, for the most part, fulfilled.

  • That Night City will prove to be an environment I can get lost in and be captivated by. I've watched the footage shared by CDPR so far over and over again and I'm truly in awe of the world that's been created here. I am quite sure there will be many moments I'll stop "playing" and just observe, because I want to watch Night City live and breathe like I know it can. I know this is not, by any means, a "cyberpunk life simulator", so I'm not going to be able to treat this like it's my virtual home away from home, but I'd love to be able to drive out beyond the city limits, park where there's a great view of the city, stand by my ride and just drink it in, as if my version of V is thinking about how he or she is carving a path for themselves in that vast metropolis.

  • That the story will engage me and make me care about my character, what they do, and the people they interact with. Nothing makes me lose interest in a game more than not caring why I'm doing anything in it. I want to care about the people I'm helping. I want to feel something about my character's cause. I know some choices won't have as much impact as others, but I still want to feel the weight of having to make them, and I want the results to move me emotionally.

  • That this is only the beginning. We've already been told DLC is coming, both paid and free, and that a standalone multiplayer experience is also in the works, and that has me even more excited. To look at this amazing creation and know we're only going to get more of it over time...man, that is goddamn awesome. Whether it's more cosmetic customization options or more side content or whole new stories within Night City, I am fookin' READY for it, choombas.
I have very high expectations and have never been so hyped for a game before. So in a way it feels I am only setting myself up for disappointment. But then again my love for Witcher 3 makes me sure that I dont really have anything to worry about when I am putting all my eggs in the CDPR-hype basket.
For Honor.
Innovative gamedesign. Nothing on the market compares.
Clusterfuck release mostly because they thought 4v4 peer to peer is a good idea.

Has since gotten: Servers, Major overhaul of various combat mechanics including the all important lag compensation, New game modes, continued support with balance changes and fixes.

And literally right now theres a tournament with a 35K price pool entirely given out by Ubisoft despite fighting games being way more "niche" than what ubisoft usually produces (e.g. Siege is way more popular) and the game being almost 4 years old.

how is hack and slash innovative?

also, the art design of that game looks unimaginatively bland like every other one of their franchises for the last 2 decades. just a mish mash of every 12 year old's hollywood perception of what's cool.
Personally, I think, from what has been seen and from their statements so far, that the game is going to be awesome and blow any possible competitor out of the park, maybe even to the point to be used as the example people point to when they talk about what passion can achieve.

That being said, I don't think it'll completely live up to people's expectations.

1. I expect bugs and janky stuff even at day 1 after the "43+ Gb day 1 patch".
2. I expect people going in believing the game is going to be one thing (*cough* GTA with Synthwave and robots *cough*) and then finding out that the game is mainly something else entirely (a RPG experience).
3. I expect lots of features people were expecting missing or sort of there but not the way they were expected to and probably some of them delivered later either as Free Updates or included in Paid Expansions.

So, overall, I'm hyped as hell but I try to temper my expectations. I think the game is up there and has the potential to go way beyond whatever I'm expecting but, at the same time, it might just be a damn good game but not a genre defining masterpiece.

Both are ok in my book and the fact that all the people playing the preview versions of the game (which are less optimized than what we'll be getting at day 1) have (90% of the time) only good things to say about the game is definitely a damn good sign.
So, the Cyberpunk 2077 is, as of the writing of this post, three and a half weeks** away. There's a lot of drooling a bickering over certain individual matters, but not really that much visions on the whole of the picture.

So, write down what you honestly think you are going to get from game as a wholesome experience.

Based on what we know so far... What do you think will be good, what do you think will be bad, what do you think will be lukewarm or indifferent? What you love, what you hate? What do you think your experience will be like with the afore mentioned matters in mind?

Not what you hope or wish, but what you expect as per how the game has been presented up to this point.

There's also a nifty poll to get you started.

**EDIT - Oh, it's not 3 and half anymore. It's now 6 and a half as of this edit.
a nice openworld, game reacting to your decisions, changing story based what you did and some cool body modification. thats all
I'm interested in this game from the open-world, sand-box etc perspective. Never really played GTA, Watchdogs, etc for their own sake, always to be the interest was being able to explore a modern city and town center/metroplex and walk and drive around in it... I would say as a child it was midtown madness that got me started into this broad genre of cruising around the city etc...

So to that end, CP2077 is definitely the latest and greatest to join the club... but to be honest from my own individual perspective I couldn't care less about the whole "cyberpunk" lore and really am into this just from the perspective of being able to explore a city come to alive

The most perfect ideal game of this genre of urban city explorer would be one that was completely redesigned and re-imagined from scratch... a large modern international airport (see Beijing DaXing) at the heart of the city that is connected by hyperloop or other high speed train/mono direct to the business city center (CBD), where skyscrapers abound and each and every one of the buildings are enter-able and with elevators that take you to all of the hundreds of stories and all rooms are real and can be explored... and above and under ground mass transportation that connects both the city center and the airport to a large world class theme park the likes of DisneyWorld of Orlando, Florida with resorts and hotels such as the new and old Bay Lake Towers and other futuristic hotel resort building/arch styles.... and all of this connected to a nearby large mall, the size of Mall of America or large, with fancy five star dining, five star hotels also both inside and connected to the hotel via tunnels...

Basically an international airport, large mall, town center, hotel/resort, theme park, business downtown district, etc all interconnected together in one nexus and the ability to explore a city that contains the likes of NYC, DisneyWorld, Six Flags, hyperloop, maglev trains, international airports, etc etc all in one giant map...

And the city is "in the cloud" kinda like the Google Stadia concept, so that it is a perpetual city, everyone plays in this fused "online city" and its all rendered in a massive datacenter and the city will be fully alive because every NPC is actually another person / online player and its the city that never sleeps because each character is "real" and there is permanence and persistence to this city not like how with all games including cp2077 characters are spawn into action and despawned and this is very 'fake'... with game streaming there is no upper bound to the number of connected online players at one time, can be millions or billions, and everyone can play on any device or form factor and it can still have 4k and RTX and all that jazz... it also means the city can be arbitrarily large... just like how with the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 it streams in land as the aircraft flys over it in real-time on-the-fly, because the Flight Simulator is 2Petabytes large and there is no way anyone's gaming harddrive can fit that data etc much like in the same fashion this megacity can be exobytes in size and it wouldn't matter because its all streamed across the network making end-point devices nothing but dummy terminals as the backend is all in the cloud and there is functionally no limit to how large /dense the city can be... imagine every room of every floor of every building in the entire city unique, customized by someone real, (another player) not just procedurally generated bland copy paste templates... imagine overhearing conversations that actually are alive because they really are representative of real people having real conversations instead of the canned audio that we get in games today.
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So, the Cyberpunk 2077 is, as of the writing of this post, three and a half weeks** away. There's a lot of drooling a bickering over certain individual matters, but not really that much visions on the whole of the picture.

So, write down what you honestly think you are going to get from game as a wholesome experience.

Based on what we know so far... What do you think will be good, what do you think will be bad, what do you think will be lukewarm or indifferent? What you love, what you hate? What do you think your experience will be like with the afore mentioned matters in mind?

Not what you hope or wish, but what you expect as per how the game has been presented up to this point.

There's also a nifty poll to get you started.

**EDIT - Oh, it's not 3 and half anymore. It's now 6 and a half as of this edit.
I'm an old school cyberpunk2020 pnp player, so when i first heard about this game and saw the 2013 trailer, I squealed louder than a girl getting a pony, however.... I understand that some/most/a lot of the pnp game play features would be missing/changed to suit a computer game, I'm fine with that, I have tempered my expectations, but one thing that irks me is only 3 classes, but upon looking at the skill/upgrades,I saw the many options for variety,I can't see this being too much of an issue, replayability is a big thing for me when I buy a game nowadays, this is no fault of cdpr, but mine I will kind of be disappointed when I noticed features that are absent or changed for the games sake, but that won't stop me from roleplaying a kickarse street thug or callous corpo executive or a nomad that terrorizes corpo convoys on the roads, I'm also very curious to see what dlc comes out in the future and ofc if/when multiplayer becomes a thing, multiplayer would be amazing, don't care if it's openworld multiplayer or instanced missions for multiplayer.
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Guest 4406876

As long as side quests are just races passing thru checkpoints to unlock gold skins for anything and you can buy E-coins from the store to unlock more tiger striped skins inlaid with green and gold and bunny outfits (golden as well) it's gonna be good. Oh and we do need a flying bike shooting nukes (and nuclear bunnies...if you pay with said E-coins).
I expect a great story with core RPG mechanics, and good dialog options. The rest is just a cherry on the top of the cake.
if this game lives up to witcher 3 standards but a LOT darker I Will be happy just atm I want to get pre downloading done so I Can hit the mean streets of night city after work on the 10th and my wait being finaly OVER i will be happy
Cautiously optimistic. I'm not one to fall for hype and I don't think this will be the second coming of gaming Jesus or that it will change everything we know about what it is to game like it feels some people thing. I think it will be a good game and a great experience.
Have not seen any gameplay leaks etc. so I don't have many expectations. I just HOPE it'll be as good, if not better, than witcher 3 because that was one of my very favorite games of all time.
Ok. So according to what all’s out there, what is to be expected is a visually splendid game with passable to good writing, passable to excellent mission design and mostly droll gameplay with tiresome bulletsponge combat and largely negligable charactersystems.

Bugs I can tolerate to a good extent, but there are limits to that too. Although it has to be said, that I’ve always been lucky in that, I’ve rarely encountered much of them even in games that’ve been notorious for them (notable exception... VtMB, which was nearly unplayable at times).
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