I hope this game is true to 2020
I just watched the conference with Mike, and they talked about how they want the game to be a "continuum" or something, like a long timeline.
Well, the fact of the matter is that 2013/2020 is the game people played and loved and still love to this day. 2020 is the true Cyberpunk. Firestorm and V3 flushed the whole awesome world down the drain. If you don't know what goes on in that version of this world, I suggest you find out before disagreeing with me.
The teaser trailer does suggest that Night City is at least somewhat 2020-esque, even though Mike says that the Fourth Corporate War does take place in the timeline. That's BS, if you ask me. That's what led to this franchise being ruined. Yes yes, I know it's cool and all to move the world along, and things will happen. However, it's been proven a few times in RPG's that you should leave well enough alone; WoD was ruined by bringing forth the Apocalypse, Cyberpunk was ruined by Firestorm and initiating the 4th war, and so on.
Quite honestly, the best course of action in my opinion would have been to update the basic game of 2020 to the year 2077, forgetting the nightmare that was Firestorm and V3 completely, and starting fresh with the whole world, it's famous inhabitants and corporations and locations intact.
Yes, you can very well implement a cool new character called Teddy Tungstenballs, but why would we care? He's no Rache, he's no Johnny. Those guys are legends, and they're no good to anyone if they've been dead for 40-50 years.
I would give my left nut and sell my mother for a well done 2020 style 2077, where it would feel like the Night City streets I walked on a good couple of decades ago was brought to life, and it was as if I never left, but I'm honestly afraid now that there will be ruinous changes made, and the vibe, the Style, the punk, will be gone.
Take it to the edge, guys. Please. I'm begging you.
I just watched the conference with Mike, and they talked about how they want the game to be a "continuum" or something, like a long timeline.
Well, the fact of the matter is that 2013/2020 is the game people played and loved and still love to this day. 2020 is the true Cyberpunk. Firestorm and V3 flushed the whole awesome world down the drain. If you don't know what goes on in that version of this world, I suggest you find out before disagreeing with me.
The teaser trailer does suggest that Night City is at least somewhat 2020-esque, even though Mike says that the Fourth Corporate War does take place in the timeline. That's BS, if you ask me. That's what led to this franchise being ruined. Yes yes, I know it's cool and all to move the world along, and things will happen. However, it's been proven a few times in RPG's that you should leave well enough alone; WoD was ruined by bringing forth the Apocalypse, Cyberpunk was ruined by Firestorm and initiating the 4th war, and so on.
Quite honestly, the best course of action in my opinion would have been to update the basic game of 2020 to the year 2077, forgetting the nightmare that was Firestorm and V3 completely, and starting fresh with the whole world, it's famous inhabitants and corporations and locations intact.
Yes, you can very well implement a cool new character called Teddy Tungstenballs, but why would we care? He's no Rache, he's no Johnny. Those guys are legends, and they're no good to anyone if they've been dead for 40-50 years.
I would give my left nut and sell my mother for a well done 2020 style 2077, where it would feel like the Night City streets I walked on a good couple of decades ago was brought to life, and it was as if I never left, but I'm honestly afraid now that there will be ruinous changes made, and the vibe, the Style, the punk, will be gone.
Take it to the edge, guys. Please. I'm begging you.