I hope this game is true to 2020

I hope this game is true to 2020

I just watched the conference with Mike, and they talked about how they want the game to be a "continuum" or something, like a long timeline.

Well, the fact of the matter is that 2013/2020 is the game people played and loved and still love to this day. 2020 is the true Cyberpunk. Firestorm and V3 flushed the whole awesome world down the drain. If you don't know what goes on in that version of this world, I suggest you find out before disagreeing with me.

The teaser trailer does suggest that Night City is at least somewhat 2020-esque, even though Mike says that the Fourth Corporate War does take place in the timeline. That's BS, if you ask me. That's what led to this franchise being ruined. Yes yes, I know it's cool and all to move the world along, and things will happen. However, it's been proven a few times in RPG's that you should leave well enough alone; WoD was ruined by bringing forth the Apocalypse, Cyberpunk was ruined by Firestorm and initiating the 4th war, and so on.

Quite honestly, the best course of action in my opinion would have been to update the basic game of 2020 to the year 2077, forgetting the nightmare that was Firestorm and V3 completely, and starting fresh with the whole world, it's famous inhabitants and corporations and locations intact.

Yes, you can very well implement a cool new character called Teddy Tungstenballs, but why would we care? He's no Rache, he's no Johnny. Those guys are legends, and they're no good to anyone if they've been dead for 40-50 years.

I would give my left nut and sell my mother for a well done 2020 style 2077, where it would feel like the Night City streets I walked on a good couple of decades ago was brought to life, and it was as if I never left, but I'm honestly afraid now that there will be ruinous changes made, and the vibe, the Style, the punk, will be gone.

Take it to the edge, guys. Please. I'm begging you.
There's still the possibility of Alt and if Soulkiller or a derivative was used, still having Rache, so some of the legends can still be about.

But the 4th Corp War did hit Arasaka with Mother Nature's great stick of Eternal Balance, which does introduce a bit more breathing space for the game in terms of options, but a lot of it was very "let's tie up all loose ends," but even if the fourth corp war happened does it have to happen in the way decreed by Firestorm?

How many of the main legends like Blackhand etc, actually died, in body and consciousness?


Forum veteran
I just watched the conference with Mike, and they talked about how they want the game to be a "continuum" or something, like a long timeline.

Well, there's this: http://www.gametrailers.com/side-mis...sive-interview

Sorry, C, they are indeed moving it along. And that's good. Stagnant isn't living. People will remark on the disjunction of 1990s-era thinking with modern info immersion, so I hope CDPR is going to be addressing some of that.

I dont mind firestorm, found the end weak, but no great deal. Not much changes - Corporations still run things, if one is weakened, then others rise to the gap.
There were relatively few 100% confirmed fatalties. Even Johnny is probaby digitized by his lover. Rache I think is dead. I hope he's dead. It had a certain...tang that he passed. I also hope he left a powerful legacy for 2077 players to trip over and wonder, "who WAS this guy?'

I also hope Adam Smasher is dead, because as I've mentioned before, his name is dumb. His whole concept is pretty bland. Bye, Adam!
I think most will agree that Mike and CDProjekt have updated CP 2020 to take into account what we have and where we are projecting from this point in time. From what I can tell it totally tosses V.3 out the window as if it never was published. I'm pretty happy about that.

I don't think anything from cyber generation will make it in and I'm fine with that but I do kinda hope Rache is still alive.

I hope we get to meet Spider. It's almost like the net is the afterlife in this world.
I hope we get to meet Spider. It's almost like the net is the afterlife in this world.

Now that, sir, that is a damn cool allegory. Very Peter Watts of you. An after life in the Net. Some good plotlines in there.
I also hope Adam Smasher is dead, because as I've mentioned before, his name is dumb. His whole concept is pretty bland. Bye, Adam!

Honestly, pretty much all of the Iconic characters, especially Silverhand, were pretty lame. Morgan and Spider were cool, Rache had the potential to be... but the 4rth corporate war blew them all out of proportion, and they really just smacked of the same bullshit GMPC Mary Sue nonsense that Elminster and Drizzt stink up forgotten realms with.

Also, nuking Night City... just felt cheap... Militech were treated like the hero's of the story, when in reality, there actions were far worse, and they should definitely have known better.
I think project lead (Mateusz Kanik) said in some interview few months ago the game will based on cyberpunk 2020 system so no V.3. The game will reflect 50 years or so of development in firearms and other technology
I think project lead (Mateusz Kanik) said in some interview few months ago the game will based on cyberpunk 2020 system so no V.3. The game will reflect 50 years or so of development in firearms and other technology

I think they mean 50 years from now or so. Because looking at the art and the trailer, that's some pretty familiar tech. I recognize the Militech Crusher SSG ( a so so hand shotgun, but useful for CSWAT because it can load different styel rounds), pretty bog-standard Body Plating, Smart goggles and the young lady is using Realskinn, cyberlimbs with BigRipps (at a guess) and probably a hand-built faceplate. 2020 gear, all.

Yeah, I agree with you, Wisdom. I wasn't too fond of the 2020 "cast" and found their continued survival ironic in one of the nastiest most player-kill specific games I'd played.

Kinda like RipperJack, though. And Edger. The sub-players often have good lines.
Well, i don't think they will take 2020 with all stuff thats there and just change the year. I know that the art and trailer shows familiar tech. They said something about (can't remember where, probably one of the conferences) taking a familiar weapon like for example militech Crusher and creating several versions of that weapon so you get a crusher version from year 2020, 2050 or 2077, you got the idea. So the fact that someone uses a old weapon (in relation to timeline of a game) in artwork or trailer does not necessarily means its the newest one available. Maybe i'm wrong, thats the impression i got from them. Actually,, thinking about it now, in maybe a bit of both. As you probably know better than me, some things envisioned in cyberpunk 2020 can still make a lot of sense for 2077. In other areas of technology, we have already surpassed imagination form 80s. So i guess there will be some adjustments being made.
Sorry, C, they are indeed moving it along. And that's good. Stagnant isn't living. People will remark on the disjunction of 1990s-era thinking with modern info immersion, so I hope CDPR is going to be addressing some of that.

Yeah, I mean sure, moving stuff along is great and all, but we've not really had any computer games of the true 2020, and it's a pretty old game as an RPG, so I'm sure most people played it well over a decade ago, closer to two.

I honestly wouldn't mind if the plot advanced in the microcosm of the 2020 world, in Night City especially. What I'm dreading though is that 2077 will indeed be 50 or so years later of the 2020-era events, as well as technology, and what's much worse, with the 4th war, Firestorm and V3 events somehow knitted in to the timeline. I mean, I don't want there to be a Fallout-esque interlude in this world. Fallout does the post-apocalyptic so well, and post-apocalyptic isn't Cyberpunk.

If you think about the tech in 2020 for example, if you then add on 50 odd years of advances, it might be completely foreign to us. Also, there's a difference between an 80's thinking of future tech which is what 2020 is, and then 2010 thinking of future tech, which is where we are now. There's a kind of a vibe there, the vibe that I think makes it punk. You can't create punk today. As much as I believe in those guys, if 2013 and 2020 were never imagined in the 80's, and they tried to make a Cyberpunk 2077 from scratch... Yeah, no. It'd be something completely different. Too ultra scifi, without the kind of kitsch feel. You couldn't have the freedom of the 80's to glorify violence, drugs, alcohol, sex, and all things nice, not in today's puritania.

2020 has the Style. It has the Edge. It's different from a lot of other Cyberpunk genre worlds, like Deus Ex or even something like Blade Runner. It's definitely different from stuff like Matrix, and so on. I'm just afraid the Style and the Edge will be gone.

Even if the world would be imagined by the very same person today, in today's world of clean 3D and CGI, a world of massive right wing rhetoric, a world where all vice is scorned, a world where politicians and mass media worships at the altar of Terrorism, the vibe would be completely different. And if they're trying to bring alive a true Cyberpunk 2020 game, they need to keep that "80's in the 2020's" vibe.

There were relatively few 100% confirmed fatalties. Even Johnny is probaby digitized by his lover. Rache I think is dead. I hope he's dead. It had a certain...tang that he passed. I also hope he left a powerful legacy for 2077 players to trip over and wonder, "who WAS this guy?'

I also hope Adam Smasher is dead, because as I've mentioned before, his name is dumb. His whole concept is pretty bland. Bye, Adam!

I'd love for there to be something of the iconic characters in the game. Whether you think they were corny or had dumb names or anything like that, they were the Drizzt's and Elminsters and Aragorns of that world.

In all honesty, I'm very hopeful. I'd just love for the 2077 game to spark a resurrection for the RPG franchise, to bring back a game with the feeling of the original, and this time have Chromebooks with beautiful colorful pictures of all the toys. Still, I'll be content with just a great PC game, which I'm sure this will be. I just think it won't be what I'd want it to be, but I guess that's true with most things.
Well, you know, I'm with you on most of that. I think all the old-cores are. Except maybe the icons - Wisdom and I geenrally despise them.
But the rest, yes!

They seem to be paying attention to the Style - check out stills from the trailer of what the girl's victims are wearing. Pretty cool duds! I like the one guy's blue socks and it -looks- like that dead Exec could be wearing Tenaka-wear suit. I like to think so, anyway.

As for the Edge, that's going to be tricker. Much of what I think we think is "Edge" was based on the newness of tech from 1986-1996 or so and the eagerness of a certain population segment to embrace that. Even when risky. Nowadays we have so much damn tech, it's ubiquitous! And safe! Bleh.

It's worth mentioning, as I do in a few places now, that the -tech- from the trailer seems 2020 style. The shotgun, the blades, the Realskinn. The SmartGoggles aren't slick little playthings yet. So I'm going to go with they are -keeping- the 2020 tech and style and moving it forward to the more plausible 2077 timeframe.

Which makes sense. I mean, can you imagine having the braindance in the next 7 years? Gemini-class FULL CONVERSIONS a couple years after that? ACPA?!

Actually ACPA...but no.

Anyway. So bet on 2020 tech and attitude and style with a 2077 timeframe. I hope.

P.S. also, is your sig an Endymion reference? If so, nice.
It's worth mentioning, as I do in a few places now, that the -tech- from the trailer seems 2020 style. The shotgun, the blades, the Realskinn. The SmartGoggles aren't slick little playthings yet. So I'm going to go with they are -keeping- the 2020 tech and style and moving it forward to the more plausible 2077 timeframe.

One of the devs, the project lead I think, mentioned the Crusher and how it's a Style component - a relatively old piece of tech that, much like some weapon designs today, survived the test of time and how caring one is more a statement of personality than a combat factor when there are more advanced weapons available.

It might actually be that CP2077 looks for Style to CP2020. Full vintage.
Which makes sense. I mean, can you imagine having the braindance in the next 7 years? Gemini-class FULL CONVERSIONS a couple years after that? ACPA?!.

Hehe lets not forget things that are much more advanced nowdays than they are in CP 2020 - cell phones, even flash memory (video tape is mentioned in CP2020) Pocket TV (u got that in the smart phones now) Digital Music Chip is 1-6 po album favorites, and best of all - pocket computer - up to 100 pages of alphanumeric memory - 6"x3"x1/2" size :D
CDPR said game will be based on the 2020 but they will modify some of the things. Guys lets wait until 5th Feb.. and see what they say. Lets don't point finger just yet.
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