In 2077 all clothes are made of styrofoam. Please turn down the clothes sound when walking or the option to turn off. It’s grating

Please let us turn off the clothes sounds or nerf them. The sound is unbelievable grating as all clothes sounds like styrofoam being rubbed together.
There is no reason to have clothes sounds.
Gotta feel the expensive leather!
Jokes aside: Yeah, noticed that after 1.5, too. I thought it was because I changed my jacket to leather. Is every clothing as loud?
Gotta feel the expensive leather!
Jokes aside: Yeah, noticed that after 1.5, too. I thought it was because I changed my jacket to leather. Is every clothing as loud?
Yeah man. All the clothes are so loud and they all sound like styrofoam. No idea why they thought it was a good idea to increase the sound.
It’s like they were sitting around and thought, “Hey, a great idea to annoy everyone. Let’s make all the clothes sound like styrofoam rubbing and increase the volume so it’s the loudest thing on screen. And to top it off, we won’t let them disable or change it.”
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