Increase the duration with regards to full mill value of reworked cards

I love and respect that the game allows players to have the full mill value of rework cards. I would like to suggest that instead of having such option for just 4 days, the GM could consider extending the full mill duration of reworked cards for maybe a month or 20 days or something. I make that suggestion because some of us are casual players and sometimes only log in like once a week. Having more than 4 days to look at the change patch and be able to think about what to keep and watch to mill might be nice. In my case, I was off for a conference and I couldn't play Gwent. When I came back, I was excited about the patch but then I completely miss out on the full mill opportunity because it lasted only 4 days (patch 3.2)
Anyway, that's just a thought. Let me know what you think.
Thank you,
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