Is the Headshot Damage Multiplier Stat Modifier a wasted effort?

Ok so I finally figured out how to re-roll the cyberware Stat Modifiers, after a lot of trial error and jumping backwards to a hard save point.

I am now about to actually re-roll all my cyberware for real, to chase the real deal stats.
I am basically playing soldier, power weapons, acting like a normal First Person Shooter.
I have fallen out of love with Smart Weapons as its gotten old already.

My plan is to focus on re-rolling Cyberware Stats to chase Headshot damage multiplier. this kinda dumb and pointless? Most power weapons like SMG and AR (which I'm focused on) have inherent headshopt damage multipliers built into them (e.g. +125% headshot multiplier).

so is scraping the bottom of the barrel with my cyberware to get another 25% sorta dumb? Would I be better chasing Health and RAM regen instead?
Or perhaps the answer is, None of the modifiers really make a noticeable difference anyways, so why worry about any of it at all? :)

thank you!
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so is scraping the bottom of the barrel with my cyberware to get another 25% sorta dumb? Would I be better chasing Health and RAM regen instead?
Or perhaps the answer is, None of the modifiers really make a noticeable difference anyways, so why worry about any of it at all? :)
Not sure in your particular case, but for me who play mostly stealth (when possible), I take every little headshot bonus available because I want to be sure the guys I shoot on, die with a single bullet.

But for you, well I'm not sure it's really worth it. Maybe there are bonuses which would be more useful.
If you play with a cyberdeck, yes RAM regen might be more useful.
If you general jump straight into fights, anything which could boost you capabilities to tank damages might be more useful.
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