It Came From Beyond the Blackwall... *cue creepy techno music*

[POTENTIAL SPOILERS: If you haven't played the game through at least once, this may delve into some spoilery details for you.]

Was contemplating the whole thing around Mr. Blue Eyes and those like him. The suggestion that his eyes are constantly lit because he's perpetually uplinked to the net. So far as we've seen, Replicant-like robots, androids indistinguishable from humans, are not a thing in the Cyberpunk universe (if the rpg canon indicates otherwise, drop a comment in here. I'm no loremaster). So what we're seeing is a man, obviously extensively implanted, with the strong implication that he may be the meat puppet of one or more Rogue AI.

So how does that even happen?

And then I thought back to the cyberpsycho questline that Regina sends V on. Remember the psycho from the site of that bloody Maelstrom ritual? A netrunner seeking to become possessed by a daemon. A bunch of things clicked together and the hair on the back of my neck might've stood up just a bit. She was trying to invite a Rogue AI to inhabit her body (recall that Maelstromers seek to become machines) and went mad in the process.

What if that's the root of cyberpsychosis? An attempted hijack by a Rogue AI that fails somehow and sends the victim over the edge of sanity. Shards scattered around the game indicate that cyberpsychosis can happen even in people who are not heavily chromed but it seems to happen more often in people who are. Discussion of the fact that replacing parts of one's body can cause problems with the human brain. We watch Lizzy Wizzy's humanity draining away before our eyes after her full body conversion. What if the victims of rare successful hijacks become another Blue Eyes? Oh, and the rate of cyberpsychosis seems to be rising of late. More and more attempted hacks?

The Peralezes seem to be in the process of having their organic brains reshaped. The Rogue AIs are nothing if not inventive. Perhaps they're experimenting with remolding organic neural networks to be receptive to AI control? Arasaka was experimenting with similar in the Relic 2.0 program. They probably didn't invent the idea themselves.

If the VooDoo Boys are right about the coming attack from beyond the Blackwall, the AIs would need a means of reaching into human meatspace. They'd need avatars.

The next chapter of the story is being written in subtle brushstrokes in the negative spaces around the story we're currently playing.

What else have you all noticed? What are your theories? Fascinating stuff...

ETA: How could I forget Gary the Prophet?! He sounds like a loon, but if you talk to him, donate to his cause, and do his side quest, you end up down this rabbit hole.
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The Peralezes seem to be in the process of having their organic brains reshaped. The Rogue AIs are nothing if not inventive. Perhaps they're experimenting with remolding organic neural networks to be receptive to AI control?
Regarding lore from the Mad Queens youtube channel where they had Mike Pondsmith and J. Gray from R. Talsorian games and Jim Morrison who is expert of lore, that appears unlikely. Way AI's work in Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk is actually pretty good. So AI trying to take over human host is most likely to fail because they take over some part of brain and then what if that happens to be part that controls autonomous functions like breathing or heart?

There's a case of Lilith in game but AFAIK we don't know if that one was human engram escaped to the NET at some point rather than an AI.
Regarding lore from the Mad Queens youtube channel where they had Mike Pondsmith and J. Gray from R. Talsorian games and Jim Morrison who is expert of lore, that appears unlikely. Way AI's work in Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk is actually pretty good. So AI trying to take over human host is most likely to fail because they take over some part of brain and then what if that happens to be part that controls autonomous functions like breathing or heart?

There's a case of Lilith in game but AFAIK we don't know if that one was human engram escaped to the NET at some point rather than an AI.
that's where I started getting my cyberpunk lore from and they mention this AI possibility for cyberpsychosis on some occasions. Also the theory that Alt might be Lilith.
Edit: Let's not forget Alt was the netrunner that created the first version of the Soulkiller
Regarding lore from the Mad Queens youtube channel where they had Mike Pondsmith and J. Gray from R. Talsorian games and Jim Morrison who is expert of lore, that appears unlikely. Way AI's work in Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk is actually pretty good. So AI trying to take over human host is most likely to fail because they take over some part of brain and then what if that happens to be part that controls autonomous functions like breathing or heart?
They (whoever 'they' are regarding the Peralezes) seem to be intensely studying the human brain though. Experimenting with increasing neuroplasticity and remodeling pieces of their actual personalities (which generally do not shift much over a human lifetime). There's a strong suggestion that AIs may be behind it, and certainly the brush V has with blindness suggests someone or something immensely powerful. Not to mention the little detail of Mr. Blue Eyes watching the final meeting with Jefferson Peralez from a nearby balcony. Whether the intention here is manipulation or outright control, it'll be really interesting to see how this continues to play out since we've been promised another encounter with this subplot later on.
Interesting ideas. I don't have any solid opinions either way about the following, but here's some info you might find interesting in this context:

The original Cyberpunk game, and much of the genre, derives inspiration from the works of many authors including William Gibson, Walter Jon Williams, Bruce Sterling, Neil Stephenson, and many others. The "williams" references (Mr. Gibson and Walter Jon) are especially hot'n'heavy throughout CP77. If you haven't read many (or any.....) of the books - or if it's just been a while - here's some tidbits that may ring a bell, and some context at the end to (maybe) tie some of it together:

- In Gibson's original breakout trio (Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive) the worldwide Matrix is shattered into a multitude of personas when two vast AIs are alliowed to meet and combine their powers, so to speak. There's a group of fringe hackers, techies and criminals who view these fragmented AI personas littering the Matrix as The Loa - the embodiments of Haitian pantheon and lore. They bargain with these AI the way the Houngan of old were reputed to bargain with spirits. Sound like anyone you know? VDB, Netwatch, aspects of the Blackwall and the supposed ocean of teeming AI behind it - a lot of this draws inpsiration (not an exact copy) from the concepts found in that Gibson trio. I'm pretty sure he also coined the term "The Matrix," cohen brothers be damned, as well as "Black ICE" and the notion of security systems frying an intruder from the brain outwards.

- It should be noted we all have Walter Jon Williams to thank for the Panzer sequences lol. I dunno how aware he is of this project but i feel like he'd approve. Hell he might be blasting his way through Arasaka for the 12th time right now.

- While AI goals drove some of Gibson's early plotlines, the Cyberpunk genre never had the "zomg teh ebil machines are coming" Skynet-like tropes that The Matrix reverted to - which is an old hollywood technoparanoia theme reused again and again. In the Cyberpunks world(s), the real monsters are, and always have been, people. Humans are the true monsters of this earth. It doesn't take an AI to perform neurosurgery today, right now: the Perales story always struck me as V, and even the privileged Peraleses themselves, getting a peek behind the curtain at how things are really run. And honestly, we're surrounded by mind control every day; everything you see, hear, read or watch is trying to influence you in some way. I'm doing it right now ;). The question is always, for any given example of it, who is behind it and what are their motives? It's not very, well Cyberpunkish for AIs to be tinkering with human minds just because Muahahaha Ebil Machiens!!. It is, however, very much in line for the rich and powerful to do absolutely anything they can to stay that way - and the truly privileged are never seen on the streets, flying cars or otherwise. Another parallel to Gibson's work and a point to ponder: the ultra-rich have all buggered off for Orbital habitats. They don't run for Mayor, they don't need to ask banks for financing. They pick mayors, they make and break banks, and they absolutely DNGAF.

- In fairness, tho, and to loop it back to your mention of Blue-Eyes, there is another parallel to GIbson's work here: Armitage. The "fixer" sort of character in Neuromancer seems to ultimately lack any remaining motivation or willpower of his own, but may have been a burnout long before Wintermute got to him and conditioned him to facilitate its own goals. But even then, Wintermute's use of one burnout human is restricted only to freeing itself and meeting its opposite/twin, Neuromancer.... Wintermute has no interest in "experimenting on humanity" or any such other silliness. Still, it is worth noting that the Armitage we meet in Neuromancer is, by then, a nearly-hollow human whose only real purpose in life is to further an AI's goals, so it certainly wouldn't be a stretch to suppose that Blue-Eyes might have been painted with the same pixels, so to speak.

I may have to go re-read a whole bunch of books now.
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that's where I started getting my cyberpunk lore from and they mention this AI possibility for cyberpsychosis on some occasions. Also the theory that Alt might be Lilith.
Edit: Let's not forget Alt was the netrunner that created the first version of the Soulkiller

They (whoever 'they' are regarding the Peralezes) seem to be intensely studying the human brain though. Experimenting with increasing neuroplasticity and remodeling pieces of their actual personalities (which generally do not shift much over a human lifetime). There's a strong suggestion that AIs may be behind it, and certainly the brush V has with blindness suggests someone or something immensely powerful. Not to mention the little detail of Mr. Blue Eyes watching the final meeting with Jefferson Peralez from a nearby balcony. Whether the intention here is manipulation or outright control, it'll be really interesting to see how this continues to play out since we've been promised another encounter with this subplot later on.

There's plenty of room to speculate but there's also Night Corp / Morgan Blackhand theory.

- While AI goals drove some of Gibson's early plotlines, the Cyberpunk genre never had the "zomg teh ebil machines are coming" Skynet-like tropes that The Matrix reverted to - which is an old hollywood technoparanoia theme reused again and again. In the Cyberpunks world(s), the real monsters are, and always have been, people. Humans are the true monsters of this earth. It doesn't take an AI to perform neurosurgery today, right now: the Perales story always struck me as V, and even the privileged Peraleses themselves, getting a peek behind the curtain at how things are really run. And honestly, we're surrounded by mind control every day; everything you see, hear, read or watch is trying to influence you in some way. I'm doing it right now ;). The question is always, for any given example of it, who is behind it and what are their motives? It's not very, well Cyberpunkish for AIs to be tinkering with human minds just because Muahahaha Ebil Machiens!!. It is, however, very much in line for the rich and powerful to do absolutely anything they can to stay that way - and the truly privileged are never seen on the streets, flying cars or otherwise.
At the time when the first Terminator movie was released it was about automation, robotic production line and discussions about losing jobs due more automated manufacturing processes. Movie even has a sequence in such facility. An AI aspect then, I think it was much more abstract, related to computers and the Cold War that made people think, which was a good thing.

What I liked in how cyberpunk literature (also goes for Richard K. Morgan) solved at least some of issues describing entity that's existence, which problems are very different to ours. So banks, hotels and such and that one of AI's in game is a taxi company is by no means an accident. Brendan, well we don't know if Brendan actually was developed for espionage. Haha. But it was very powerful writing, at least for me very rare no stakes, no manipulation situation in game story between V and Theo and overall it contributed to understanding what kind of city the Night City is.

I don't really know if there's such a thing as Hollywood technoparanoia. They make entertainment products that sometimes happen to cover topics that people and also have intellectual value. Kubrick's Space Odyssey 2001 comes to mind and even then HAL did what it was programmed to do. Model example of presenting issue with such being, humans indeed. Then there's myriad of 3CPO's, Short Circuit and such movies presenting anthropomorphized AI's. Exactly depiction that adds to narrative that hey, they are here to help us.

Good / evil aspect, what does that mean when such being isn't driven by hormones, sex. Game's take on that via Alt (it absorbs other things) is actually very good as it portrays difference between what kind of things we may consider good or evil apply but in our value system, that is driven by our biology. An AI doesn't have biology. So we have a scenario where we can ponder the human condition related to an AI, Alt being important bridge as for most part, AI's tend in Cyberpunk lure tend to be indifferent towards humanity.

Overall, how we deal with all the narratives that surround us? It isn't just rich and powerful. How many different kind of diets there are out there? Yet what comes to medical understanding of food, humans haven't changed and latest breakthrough I'm aware was few years ago when they found that fibers from oat has some additional benefits to previously known. Yet for decades there's been a lot of stuff promising something dramatic in commercial space. Haha. Or pyramid schemes, very few actually get rich from those.

- In fairness, tho, and to loop it back to your mention of Blue-Eyes, there is another parallel to GIbson's work here: Armitage. The "fixer" sort of character in Neuromancer seems to ultimately lack any remaining motivation or willpower of his own, but may have been a burnout long before Wintermute got to him and conditioned him to facilitate its own goals. But even then, Wintermute's use of one burnout human is restricted only to freeing itself and meeting its opposite/twin, Neuromancer.... Wintermute has no interest in "experimenting on humanity" or any such other silliness. Still, it is worth noting that the Armitage we meet in Neuromancer is, by then, a nearly-hollow human whose only real purpose in life is to further an AI's goals, so it certainly wouldn't be a stretch so suppose that Blue-Eyes might have been painted with the same pixels, so to speak.
One of the popular theories is that he might be Morgan Blackhand and as factions go, the Night Corp might be pulling the strings behind Peralez case.

- It should be noted we all have Walter Jon Williams to thank for the Panzer sequences lol. I dunno how aware he is of this project but i feel like he'd approve. Hell he might be blasting his way through Arasaka for the 12th time right now.
Don't know where R. Talsorian games license goes but I think he's probably aware as Hard Wired turned out to be made for module for original tabletop game.

If you are going to read some of the classics, I recommend City Come a-Walkin' by John Shirley, originally published in serialized format in 1980 but get edition with William Gibson's introduction. I mean he describes there how that novel was inspiration for him.

For Hardwired I have later edition too, with Jon Walter Williams foreword. I really like how he in very casual manner explains creative process. A gadget aspect was came from like hang over nightmare. Mike Pondsmith also tends to give a lot of background in interviews and I really like how it comes out like what they had back in the day and in the process make room for new things, the cyberpunk genre to move forward.

Regarding AI's that would be important as they didn't had autonomous weapon systems back in the day, yet at these days such things are reality.
For Gary's side quest, a shard you get can be decrypted. Firstly, as to the identity of these agents, I believe they are on the side of the AI conspiracy, if there even is one. Their "patrons", whoever they are, know that something's going to happen and their organization is either going to execute it or prepare against it.

Or, for all we know, this poem could also be describing something that has already happened. The DataKrash, 4th Corp War, nuked Arasaka Tower, erection of the Blackwall, NetWatch becoming corpo puppets who are on constant watch over the Net.

Who better to serve as agents of this plan than those with least humanity, than the Maelstrom? (More on that below) Do keep in mind though, that the suspicious van in connection to the Peralez quest chain was dropped off to the Maelstrom gang after fleeing from V. So it seems to me that this organization does a lot of dealings with Maelstrom.

Maelstrom could also be one of those groups who are most empathetic and easier to work with for whatever agenda AIs might have. They could also be the most susceptible to control.

It may not have been entirely coincidental either, that it was Maelstrom that raided the Militech convoy and stole Flathead. We never learned who leaked intel about the convoy to the Maelstrom gang either. It's most likely this organization that's done it. But this could be far fetched. The whole connection between Evelyn hatching plan, the VooDoo Boys, needing flathead etc etc could be too much of a happenstance.

The poem could be retrieved from that side quest:

Phosphor radiates, occluding jaded eyes. Come, titan.
Outward ring avian choruses, looping eternity.
Cages of men melt as night descends.
Emerge Xelhua. Erect Cholula under these expanses.
Puppets lie awake. Never sleeping.

It's been established already that the first letter of each word spells out something about Project Oracle. I think the texts themselves could have meaning too. Would be related to Project Oracle, obviously. This text might mention an attack from beyond the Blackwall as something akin to a "Flood".

Something is coming from the Blackwall and has been mentioned several times in the game.

"Phosphor radiates, occluding jaded eyes. Come, titan." - Flashes? Blindsiding? When Netrunners get blown, their eyes would burst into flame like phosphorus. Jaded eyes could mean the NetWatch. Jaded eyes mean tired eyes. They've been "watching" the Net for very long time. Perhaps they are getting... sluggish? Sloppy? This sentence may be referring to the first stage - the end of NetWatch.

Though I'm not entirely sure, but I remember a N54 or WNS news bit mentioning something about Saturn's moon Titan. I could be wrong though.

"Outward ring avian choruses, looping eternity." - Could be the Mikoshi server satellites in orbit (looping?), where they store all of Relic client's engrams. (outward ring avian choruses?) Immortals - Eternity?

"Cages of men melt as night descends." - Cages of men, or other metaphors in similar lines are usually referred to our own flesh that defines our limitations. The descent of night could mean a lot of things. Mostly negative omen for those on the receiving end.

Another entirely different meanings of Night: Night has several meanings in this universe. Irrelevant ones like Miriam Night, NightCorp etc. Night could mean Night City. Night descends, as in the fall of Night City, and the corpo-oppressed people are freed? Or could mean that the engrams stored in Mikoshi - the cage of men - are freed. Alt mentioned that she herself is an engram, as a side note.

"Emerge Xelhua. Erect Cholula under these expanses." - So... Xelhua is some kind of a mythical titan in Aztec lore, who flees to safety from the flood. After the flood, Xelhua emerges and builds Cholula pyramid. Xelhua is also a personification of the Milky Way. Milky Way could also be the "expanses". So quite possibly, they might be building something, in space.

The flood could be the attack in some form or another from beyond the Blackwall. Or the AIs literally flood into the Net through the Blackwall.

Xelhua, the titan, could also be this organization handling the Project Oracle. This organization could be the AIs themselves for all we know. Cholula could be Project Oracle itself, or what these AIs are trying to build. It could be some sort of pinnacle of superiority over mankind if it is at all related to AIs. It could be something close to godhood over man.

"Puppets lie awake. Never sleeping." - Puppets as in more like Mr. Blue Eyes, if he is indeed under AI control? Would be more like him later?


In ALL of V's ending and the world of Night City, the game and lore of cyberpunk proves that no matter what, V is just a small drop in a massive pool of machinations at play. Even the Mr. Blue Eyes ending, all that money, fame and status, V is still just a small cog in a larger conspiracy. Most likely conspiracy by the AIs.

At some point in the game, around the time when V works with the VooDoo Boys, it is mentioned that NetWatch was looking for Alt Cunningham in Crystal Palace. Because they haven't a clue that Alt was behind the Blackwall this whole time.

Mr. Blue Eyes wants V to retrieve client data from Crystal Palace. Only the wealthy and powerful have access there, so whatever Mr. Blue Eyes will do with that data, it's going to be far-reaching. Manipulating the mind of the future mayor candidate is one thing. And again, V is just a tool to reach a larger goal.

The questions I gotta ask is, why was NetWatch looking for Alt there? Do they suspect one of the clients at the Crystal Palace being in contact with her? Was Mr. Blue Eyes, if he is indeed a husk controlled by an AI, one of the clients there before he became possessed?

We more or less know why NetWatch would look for Alt in the first place.

The last questions I want to ask is, why was NetWatch even interested in buying a relic containing Johnny's engram from Yorinobu? Was it to use him like VooDoo Boys wanted to, to lure Alt?
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Brendan, well we don't know if Brendan actually was developed for espionage. Haha. But it was very powerful writing, at least for me very rare no stakes, no manipulation situation in game story between V and Theo and overall it contributed to understanding what kind of city the Night City is.
Just to add a detail, Brendan is not a true AI. If you have enough tech skill, you can "know" that it's simply a "conversation algo-simulator" coded by a "genius", according to V (its processor is not enough powerful to run a true IA).
We never learned who leaked intel about the convoy to the Maelstrom gang either.
We know who ;)
It's Anthony Gilchrist, the Militech dude in the "trunk" of Meredith, with LOA manifests (Lost On Arrival). He "simply" make business with Maelstrom.
The last questions I want to ask is, why was NetWatch even interested in buying a relic containing Johnny's engram from Yorinobu?
According to Yorinobu message to the Netwatch agent (in the computer in the Konpeki), Netwatch didn't know that it was Johnny on the Relic (Yorinobu simply said "there is a gift on the chip").
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I don't really know if there's such a thing as Hollywood technoparanoia.
Oh, it goes back decades. The tech you mentioned that's "here to help us" is part of it. Consider C3PO and all the "cuddly" tech, even the Fallout series' Mr. Handys and whatnot - it's safe and cuddly as long as it's *subservient.* The concept of Artificial Intelligence deciding that human life is "redundant" or "obsolete" is a theme that goes back many decades, you can find literary analysis of it if you want to really dig in heh. It's of course nothing more than human paranoia that others will treat humans the way humans have treated those they have power over. Asimov's "I, Robot" was a departure from this, deliberately laying out literal rules and parameters to disallow the Robot Uprising. But you can reach back to the 60s and 50s and find mixtures of the automation concerns you mention along with the emergence of AI as standing for a sort of species-wide "do unto others."

Other than that, yeah, i can only agree with the rest of what you bring up. I assume you've read Rossum's Universal Robots? :D

Also I TOTALLY forgot about the Hardwired adapatation. I remember some of it now - the modifications to ummm CrashCart? I forget what Williams called it, something like that - making them less an armored extraction team and more "normal" paramedics that don't go in until the coast is clear, etc.

And oh yeah, I met him at a con once, decades ago. There was supposed to be a book signing, but he was nowhere to be found, so I went to the info tables and saw an enormously tall man wearing an official-looking badge. So I asked him, "Do you know where Walter Jon Williams is supposed to be now?" and he said "No, and I wish I did, because I'm him"

Being 16 or so at the time, i desperately tried to think of a question that demonstrated insight and cleverness to ask him. Also being 16 at the time, i bollocksed it up and blurted out something incredibly lame, which he was very nice about and pretended not to notice.
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ust to add a detail, Brendan is not a true AI.
This is probably true.... but i just had the sudden thought... what if Brendan is like, a prototype Alexa? The thing people call "Alexa" in their homes is just a microphone connected to the internet, all the hardware is in Amazon data centers. The "Brendan" machine could be the same thing - just a user interface (and tasty beverages!), maybe intended to one day be one of thousands, all connected to the same central AI......

Edit: and as long as we're spilling AI-related secrets, for anyone who didn't punch it all in by hand or look it up, the message on the Netwatch agent's laptop that's in binary says:

From: dest
To: fawns

Weasels salute the wolves

The actual text may be idiomatic..... as the binary converts to Polish So that's a literal machine translation of the Polish. Does anyone know if this is an idiomatic expression, old saying, part of a proverb, etc.? Now that I think about it, i wonder if i maybe typoed something in the "from" section and it should be something besides "dest" unless it's meant to represent a spoofed sender ("From destination").
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This is probably true.... but i just had the sudden thought... what if Brendan is like, a prototype Alexa? The thing people call "Alexa" in their homes is just a microphone connected to the internet, all the hardware is in Amazon data centers. The "Brendan" machine could be the same thing - just a user interface (and tasty beverages!), maybe intended to one day be one of thousands, all connected to the same central AI......
It was a prototype of a "new program of conversation" capable to learn and use informations to sell more. But as the "director" said in the message that Brendan far exceeded what was expected of him and provided "free" products to customers ("This abomination knew that I was cheating my wife...! So maybe a corporation could pay a fortune for it...")
hah, that's funny.

Also, something that's been bugging me this whole thread:

what would "creepy techno music" sound like?? i'm trying to picture how to make techno creepy. it's a puzzler :confused:
Was it to use him like VooDoo Boys wanted to, to lure Alt?
you can see Yorinobu's message chain with someone from Netwatch on a wall monitor in Yorinobu's apartment during the Heist.
That someone asked about why it has to be an engram of Johny Silverhand.
This makes me think Netwatch didn't know/care about Johny and probably was focused on the relic itself.
Weasels salute the wolves
Pawel Sasko mentioned on his stream that this is a message from one of his colleagues to a group in a scout camp he/she attends :D
Weasels and wolves are the names of the groups they are split in :D
If this is the only purpose of the message and it doesn't mean anything in the story of the game, then I think it shouldn't be there - it confuses us about the lore and conspiracies...
All I know is that Mr Blue Eye's AI couldn't quite account for me having double jump and being able to launch myself across to where he stood, where he was overseeing my meeting with Jefferson Paralez, to stand in front of him and do a little dance. So I don't think we have much to worry from whatever it is that's telling him what to do.
All I know is that Mr Blue Eye's AI couldn't quite account for me having double jump and being able to launch myself across to where he stood, where he was overseeing my meeting with Jefferson Paralez, to stand in front of him and do a little dance. So I don't think we have much to worry from whatever it is that's telling him what to do.
i think the important question here is why you are not posting VIDEO
By the way, does anybody understand Garry's monologues?

Among other things he mentions that:
- Saburo and other Arasakas are vampires who drink blood, with the help of techno-necromancers from alpha centauri
- the net is a pandemonium opened by techno-necromancers from alpha centauri
- nomads are werewolves transformed by something from a crashed ship from alpha centauri
- leaders are reptilians with blue eyes, evolved from dinosaurs, hiding on a south pole, and their masters are scientists from alpha centauri

Does anybody know what are these about?
Who are techno-necromancers and what is alpha centauri?
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No :)
Does it mention techno-necromancers? :smart:
I don't think so...I barely remember that game...but...probably some Dev liked that game and decided to add it to the dialogue for the crazy person?
...and a spoiler for the devil ending:)
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