One of the more interesting dialogues in the game happened as a quick side note and it's easy to miss during the heist. Jackie asks V what he/she thought about Yorinobu's decision to leave the wealth and privilege to run with gangs. Jackie calls him a "tourist" and I'm curious what people's thoughts are on this.
You can argue that being the heir to the empire carries its own weight and responsibilities but is that even equivalent to what others in Night City have to deal with, without the conveniences he enjoys? I understand Jackie's perspective, because for him there is no choice. Yorinobu can walk away to play gangster with limited resources, which still amount to more than a street punk would have at his disposal his entire life. Because of that it does come across as if he's cosplaying as a gangster, knowing that, if he wishes or fails he can return to his old life. For people like Jackie, there is no alternative.
You can argue that being the heir to the empire carries its own weight and responsibilities but is that even equivalent to what others in Night City have to deal with, without the conveniences he enjoys? I understand Jackie's perspective, because for him there is no choice. Yorinobu can walk away to play gangster with limited resources, which still amount to more than a street punk would have at his disposal his entire life. Because of that it does come across as if he's cosplaying as a gangster, knowing that, if he wishes or fails he can return to his old life. For people like Jackie, there is no alternative.