Lock - Unlock interactions

[BUG?] Possibility of blocking one unit twice

Hello all, I'm wondering but imo its a bug. If for example someone throw Yarpen with his ability to stay next round and im gonna block it, it is locked. But if someone throws again Adrenaline ability on Yarpen and I want to lock it again with D-shuckles its unlocking but not loses Adrenaline ability. So do I have to lock this ability 3rd time? Is it a bug?

Best regards
deel93 thread merged

The interaction is working as intended. The question still remains whether or not this is something that should be changed.
[BUG] Unit losing Resilience after being locked and unlocked

Played a Mahakam Defender, who got locked, than played a Cleaver to unlock it. The unlockinging commenced, but the Resilience trait was gone, both graphicly and technically. Happened to me before a while ago, but I disregarded it then. If it is meant to be that way, I humbly suggest to change it, as it makes the whole process of unlocking not worth the effort.
Yaksza;n9166710 said:
Played a Mahakam Defender, who got locked, than played a Cleaver to unlock it. The unlockinging commenced, but the Resilience trait was gone, both graphicly and technically. Happened to me before a while ago, but I disregarded it then. If it is meant to be that way, I humbly suggest to change it, as it makes the whole process of unlocking not worth the effort.

It seems to be intended, but did we ever get any answer as to why that is the case? If locking removes/stops "abilities", then why does unlocking restore these abilities sometimes (kambi, carcass, to name a few) but not in other cases (resilience)?
Trent2501;n9167170 said:
It seems to be intended, but did we ever get any answer as to why that is the case? If locking removes/stops "abilities", then why does unlocking restore these abilities sometimes (kambi, carcass, to name a few) but not in other cases (resilience)?

Because some are considered "tokens". The ability of Mahakam defender is to "gain resilience", but this happens only when you deploy it. Treat resilience as a different card effect that is applied on the unit and locking destroys it. That would be the same as locking the Celaeno Harpy and when unlocked you expect it to spawn 2 more eggs.
Maybe locking could be split into two cards - one would just lock each possible effect and every time it is applied, while the other one would only be used for, well, unlocking? I can see the "dead card syndrome" resulting from this, but still...
Iuliandrei;n9167530 said:
That would be the same as locking the Celaeno Harpy and when unlocked you expect it to spawn 2 more eggs.

Technically yes, but from the tactical viewpoint the comparison is inadequate. The goal of Resilience is giving you the edge in the next round and has no other value till the end of the round hits. The Harpy on the other hand has a typical instant-deploy effect that is independent from it and locking it serves no point.
I would support a rework of the Resilience as a trait and not a token (just as it is in the Wild Hunt Riders) or implementing a mechanic considering wether the token has been spent (like Shield) before Locking and if it should be applied again while being Unlocked, to avoid the absurdity of double tokens as it was mentioned before by others. However, given how impactful the super-buffed Resilience cards can be on the outcome of the round, I would even suggest making the now-existing Resilient Cards to be turned silver or perhaps applying some extra conditions (again, the Wild Hunt) to balance them out. Or perhaps widening the array of lock/unlock cards for each faction for fair amount of counters on both sides.
Re-do the lock/unlock function

In the current state the lock command is a terrible joke. Why? because it's a very weak lock. If a locked card enters the graveyard, it will be resurrected unchained as a new born??? No way. A card that enters the graveyard has to come out of it also, yes chained, of course. The special & active card ability should only be enabled again, if the player unlocks the card again, or decoy it.
So the point is, only cards with ability to lock/unlock, decoy or renew should be able to unlock again.

Give the lock command much more power, so it can be used very strategical.
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frytom;n9750841 said:
In the current state the lock command is a terrible joke. Why? because it's a very weak lock.

I dunno, locking a makaham defender of ekimara so they have to replay it from the graveyard before getting another resilience trigger seems decent. Like Skelige are the only ones who have like all the revives and locking Cerys/Morkvarg/Olgierd is still really good. It also allows fun things like the Avallach Dshackles stuff. I don't feel lock is amazing, it's situational and good in the right match ups, but that's the position it should be in to allow that level of interplay.

The problem is the unbalanced function of lock/unlock: I.e. a [locked] skellige unit card only has to enter the graveyard, so clearly the card will be resurrected with complete & active functions. If you play another faction and play a card with resilience and it's getting locked and you unlock again, the full complete state of the card is not restored! That is a very different point and it's a major game imbalance, which cannot simply be discussed away. Now you say, yo man that is skellige, I say, it is an imbalance. That is, why I think, the graveyard's behaviour should be redesigned.

1. Or develop bronze unit card types, which have the necromancy ability (spell a necromancy curse) to banish bronze or silver cards out of the current game set, if the cursed cards are entering the graveyard.
2. A new silver "THE ABDUCTOR" card with the ability to steal a card from the opposite row (maybe plus necromancy spell to take off that stolen card from the current game, if it's entering the graveyard) to your own side, to make it much harder for the opponent to focus only on his bronze "gold" cards i.e. NGSpy.
3. Change graveyard behaviour: A unit card can only be once resurrected (except Cerys), after the round the resurrected card is automatically banished from the game. Likewise ST sage card. So you have to think specifically, where and when a unit is once resurrected.
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