Major 2.0 and Phantom Liberty issues

I want to start this off by saying that 2.0 update and the DLC make the game a lot better. They really did fix and make the game better in many ways.


Im having more game breaking bugs then before the 2.0 update xD

1. My game crashes on every first start, and sometimes randomly throughout the game.
Example: Yesterday, the game gave a prompt to do an execution with a blunt weapon during berserk(I dont have blunt weapon executions unlocked), upon pressing "F" for execution, my game crashed... I tried this 2 more times to confirm that this in fact was the cause(I also have EMP during berserk unlocked in perks, and EMP did go off before I got the execution prompt)

2. The "grenade throwing AI" was overhauled, meaning that the NPC are supposed to throw more grenades and a larger variety. Some would say that this would mean a few(max 3,4) during a fight more. NO. They are throwing the grenades like crazy. 10 - 15+ grenades from a group of 5 enemies per fight. And thats not the problem, the problem is that the game bugs from the huge amount of grenades thrown.
Sometimes, the grenades bug in the air, they dont explode but the grenade icon stays. It stays on screen like a marker and it doesnt go away, no matter how far you move. Only way to remove them is to load a safe. Image below.

3. Enemies are clipping through the floor, happened twice where the NPC only have their head visible and be stuck in the ground. V would still be in combat, again, no matter how far away you moved. Had a situation where all NPCs in an area could move through a truck... and so on....

4. Cars are random spawning in front of V while driving and instantly disappearing. Its like a jump scare. There are also so many flying cars, its like 2 years ago xD

5. Stamina never goes down, sometimes its random, but drinking coffee instead of giving you a buff for extra regen, gives you GOD STAMINA MODE. (btw, you have to google the status effects, no explanation in game anywhere)

6. Cyberware isnt correctly calculated. VERY VERY VERYYY ANNOYING.

7. Shadows are worse then before, looks like V is possessed.

8. Hiding knocked out enemies kills them(no comment for that one) -.-

9. Ammo crafting for the pistol... OMG. Images below... idk what to even say about that one. Bugged out of its mind. Wont let you craft max ammo for pistol no matter what you do. Always stops at around 840-845.
And the amount you stack craft is exponentially lowered:
- If I have 0 ammo, I can craft 15 stacks - bringing me to like 400
- If I have 400 ammo, I can craft 7 - bringing me to like 600
you get the idea
- At 700 ammo you have to single craft it

10. Iconic upgrades. So for this one, I played the game on 2.0, upgraded some of my Iconics to 5+. NOW, Phantom Liberty comes out with the "++" upgrade option.
Iconic weapons that were Tier 5 at the time upgrade normally: 5 ---> 5+ ---> 5++ - so thats upgrade upgrade
Iconic weapons that were Tier 5+ at the time upgrade abnormally: 5+ ---> 5 ---> 5+ ---> 5++ - so thats downgrade upgrade upgrade xD instead of just one upgrade
Image below...

11. A fixable issue is the rebinding of keys. For me the key "C" got stuck. I could only use it for crouch(toggle) and whenever i tried to rebind it to something else it said binding failed. I force fixed this very easily in appdata (also a mod can be installed to solve this). Not everyone will know how to do this. I've read that for some people this happens with multiple keys at once.
Also big issue, still some keys that cant be rebound. Like dropping a body.

12. Finial 3 things for me, these arent bugs, but big issues for me personally.

First. The fact that after 2 years we still cant see the color of attachments or the way it looks on our guns from our inventory is ridiculous. I MEAN, im sick of having to go into the inventory, attach, leave inventory, look, dislike; go into the inventory, attach, leave inventory, look, dislike... and so on and on until an attachment fits. Its such an easy thing to add.

Second. New forced attachments for weapons, useless... makes most of them unusable.

Third. This is a 3 part:
- Changing Johnny's Malorian to have so much more recoil, eh, makes it less fun.
- Changing the crouching knife animation from AWESOME reverse grip to that goofy front erected in the face grip, whoever decided that, needs to be tested for hard narcotics.
- Changing the sound of Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech... WHY!??!?! also, now you cant even slightly bump that car without the front being crunched. WHATS IT MADE OF!? Hard chocolate!?


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For me, as I posted in another topic, but I feel this can not be overstated enough... Bugs are one thing. That can be patched and lived with. Crashes though. To the degree then game is unplayable or not worth my time, I have never had that with any other game, and yet here 3 years later, CDPR make the same mistake again. constant crashing, unplayable game. I have never in my 30+ year gaming experience had put down a game because of unplayability (eg due to crashing), not even cp77 v1.0. But Phantom liberty managed it. Congrats, CDPR.
3. Enemies are clipping through the floor, happened twice where the NPC only have their head visible and be stuck in the ground. V would still be in combat, again, no matter how far away you moved. Had a situation where all NPCs in an area could move through a truck... and so on....

Yup noticed this too in fights where enemies will literally go through a truck as they're trying to find cover, pretty weird :D

4. Cars are random spawning in front of V while driving and instantly disappearing. Its like a jump scare. There are also so many flying cars, its like 2 years ago xD

I only get this sometimes on highways either leading outside the city or pretty much outside the city. I believe driving from the South Border checkpoint towards the city and vice versa will 100% spawn this bug somewhere along the road. Not severe for me, but it does happen.

8. Hiding knocked out enemies kills them(no comment for that one) -.-

This is unfortunately no longer a bug.

Before 2.0 this was believed to be a bug due to a single gig in the Badlands which has an optional objective not to kill anyone and players who would hide bodies in containers would fail this objective, but it looks like CDPR just rolled with it by making it official.

Hiding bodies now has a tip saying (lethal) when trying to hide bodies. It's stupid if you ask me, because putting someone unconscious into a closet or a dumpster wouldn't kill them.. but I guess because containers despawn NPCs they just did it cheaply this way.

At least now I know for sure because I spent my entire original playthrough accidentally killing people completely unaware of it, since I hid so many bodies that way.

11. A fixable issue is the rebinding of keys. For me the key "C" got stuck. I could only use it for crouch(toggle) and whenever i tried to rebind it to something else it said binding failed. I force fixed this very easily in appdata (also a mod can be installed to solve this). Not everyone will know how to do this. I've read that for some people this happens with multiple keys at once.
Also big issue, still some keys that cant be rebound. Like dropping a body.

Yup, this wasn't an issue pre-2.0, but for some reason now several keybinds are weirdly locked. Just like you I also had to manually edit my XML settings to go around this.
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I only get this sometimes on highways either leading outside the city or pretty much outside the city. I believe driving from the South Border checkpoint towards the city and vice versa will 100% spawn this bug somewhere along the road. Not severe for me, but it does happen.

Exactly the same.

This is unfortunately no longer a bug.

Before 2.0 this was believed to be a bug due to a single gig in the Badlands which has an optional objective not to kill anyone and players who would hide bodies in containers would fail this objective, but it looks like CDPR just rolled with it by making it official.

Hiding bodies now has a tip saying (lethal) when trying to hide bodies. It's stupid if you ask me, because putting someone unconscious into a closet or a dumpster wouldn't kill them.. but I guess because containers despawn NPCs they just did it cheaply this way.

At least now I know for sure because I spent my entire original playthrough accidentally killing people completely unaware of it, since I hid so many bodies that way.

Yea, but! If you were to knock out an NPC and then proceed to stuff them into the truck of a vehicle(any vehicle), they will remain hidden and alive, for the player to come back and take them out at any time.
At the same time, if you were to get into that car and drive around with an alive NPC in the back of the vehicle for a few minutes, stop and check, you'll find the said NPC despawned but i will not count as a kill.
Point, both alive and dead, downed and hidden, NPCs will despawn.

There are so many ways to fix this, the simplest just being to disable the despawning(until you leave the area at least), make the hiding spots work exactly like a car trunk and make it so a hiding spot can only be used for one or two bodies(insted of infinite).
Exactly the same.

Yea, but! If you were to knock out an NPC and then proceed to stuff them into the truck of a vehicle(any vehicle), they will remain hidden and alive, for the player to come back and take them out at any time.
At the same time, if you were to get into that car and drive around with an alive NPC in the back of the vehicle for a few minutes, stop and check, you'll find the said NPC despawned but i will not count as a kill.
Point, both alive and dead, downed and hidden, NPCs will despawn.

There are so many ways to fix this, the simplest just being to disable the despawning(until you leave the area at least), make the hiding spots work exactly like a car trunk and make it so a hiding spot can only be used for one or two bodies(insted of infinite).
I also noticed the new "lethal" tag for dumping unconscious enemies in containers. Makes a non-lethal stealth run significantly more difficult without being able to hide bodies effectively. It does make sense for some containers (like freezers), but seems silly for open top dumpsters. I expect it will be modded out pretty quickly (if not already -- I haven't checked).
I also noticed the new "lethal" tag for dumping unconscious enemies in containers. Makes a non-lethal stealth run significantly more difficult without being able to hide bodies effectively. It does make sense for some containers (like freezers), but seems silly for open top dumpsters. I expect it will be modded out pretty quickly (if not already -- I haven't checked).
In fact, it was already lethal since day one, it just wasn't noticed as it is now ;)


Forum regular
Can someone explain this. There is the old Lexington present in my armory but not in my stash.


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Can someone explain this. There is the old Lexington present in my armory but not in my stash.
Same here.
Don't have the Lexington but the slot will be filled with the Lexington if I put the Seraph in my stash.
If you have the Seraph in your stash, put it in your inventory and have a look at that slot.
Wholeheartedly agree with the reverse grip on the knife change, I HATE IT. Looks dumb, not everyone wants to throw their KNIFE.

I'd never throw any of my knives that I carry everyday. Just dumb.

A lot of their decisions make the game less immersive, like the decision to have all ripperdocs have all the available cyberware. RETARDED.

Makes me want to visit NONE of them. I'm still waiting to PLAY PHANTOM LIBERTY, but NOTHING. No love from cdpr, just abandonment.
Dog eat Dog is totally broken for me...
can t get past the last elevator, the panel simply doesn t react...
triggers and dialouge options don t work properly 3 hours of reloading
and going through this... that is a broken mess

and yes i repeat myself here

now it is offically worse than the 2020 launch for me, at least back then the game worked
without such gamebreaking bugs
The massive frequency of crashes within Phantom Liberty have made any effort to try to play this game frustrating at best. My PC gear is updated, and well above what's required or recommended. No mods have ever been installed, integrity of the files have been verified and spring cleaning of my drives and other soft side matters on my rig are rather neat and this is the only game or program that has these issues with instability. Please address this in a manner that shows this community that YOU are making it a priority, please.
Game is officially broken for me as off patch 2.01. The game wont start. I tried to use fix/repair option and also redownloading the game. Im just sick of it all. Im sick of trying to fix someone elses game.


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Game is officially broken for me as off patch 2.01. The game wont start. I tried to use fix/repair option and also redownloading the game. Im just sick of it all. Im sick of trying to fix someone elses game.
The error message you're seeing is most likely related to outdated mods (my guess would be either 'red4ext' or 'redscript') - please disable these for the time being, or see if they have been updated for 2.01 yet, then maybe try again. I personally ran into the same issue, and removing 'redscript' fixed it for me. (Of course, this would then also break all other mods depending on it).
The error message you're seeing is most likely related to outdated mods (my guess would be either 'red4ext' or 'redscript') - please disable these for the time being, or see if they have been updated for 2.01 yet, then maybe try again. I personally ran into the same issue, and removing 'redscript' fixed it for me. (Of course, this would then also break all other mods depending on it).
I reinstalled the game, It dont get any fresher then that. Same bug. I was force fixing stuck commands in AppData. I guarantee I screwed something in there, and it got even more screwed when the new update dropped.

And Im so sick of having to reinstall the game and all the mods every week. I no longer feel like Im playing the game. I feel like I payed to test the game for them.
I reinstalled the game, It dont get any fresher then that. Same bug. I was force fixing stuck commands in AppData. I guarantee I screwed something in there, and it got even more screwed when the new update dropped.

Well, it increasingly sounds like your issue is mod related.

It can also get fresher than that. If all you did was uninstall the game and reinstall it then you should have done a clean install:

Especially step four:

If you didn't, you're still carrying some left over mod data, that's absolutely certain.

And Im so sick of having to reinstall the game and all the mods every week. I no longer feel like Im playing the game. I feel like I payed to test the game for them.

Sorry but if you're modding the game and experiencing issues, that's on you. Not on them. The vanilla game works for the overwhelming majority.

Try following the steps to a clean install if you haven't already. Then start the game without any mods installed. If it starts fine, then you have your answer.
Well, it increasingly sounds like your issue is mod related.

It can also get fresher than that. If all you did was uninstall the game and reinstall it then you should have done a clean install:

Especially step four:

If you didn't, you're still carrying some left over mod data, that's absolutely certain.

Sorry but if you're modding the game and experiencing issues, that's on you. Not on them. The vanilla game works for the overwhelming majority.

Try following the steps to a clean install if you haven't already. Then start the game without any mods installed. If it starts fine, then you have your answer.

I'll have to agree with this... simple fact being that the unmodified vanilla scripts are definitely NOT broken (like the person's error message was clearly saying); otherwise each and every repair process would be distributing the same broken files to everyone else, since they come from the same repository.

And that would essentially mean: everyone who reinstalled or repaired the game after the update would be screwed.

I don't see that being the case.

What I can see however is a common error people fall for, and that is: trusting that simply hitting the "uninstall" button in your launcher (like GOG) will do the job just fine. Most of the time, this will leave custom files that have been added after the fact untouched (because they're not technically part of the game), which then messes with the new installation all the same.
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In fact, it was already lethal since day one, it just wasn't noticed as it is now ;)
Not that it matters.
There is a gig in the badlands where you have to free a prisoner from a Militech camp, extra objective without killing anyone.
Started wit ha non lethal takedown and immediately failed the objective.

I only have some glitches in PL. Weirdest one was an unkillable Scavenger. I tried to kill him lying on the floor, no way. Kept wriggling even after I shot off all his limbs...
Not that it matters.
There is a gig in the badlands where you have to free a prisoner from a Militech camp, extra objective without killing anyone.
Started wit ha non lethal takedown and immediately failed the objective.
Likely a bug, but containers were always "lethal" since day one. During this quest, since day one, if you put one dude in a container, the optional objective always failed. So it didn't change, but now, it's clearly noticed :)
- crashes definitely happen more often. I have experienced about a dozen now in total, only two of these happened pre-2.0/PL

- the "despawning/spawning cars when you look in the other direction" seems to be back, to my greatest disapointment. This is so immersion breaking and stupid, and I thought that was actually fixed in 1.6x. But here we are again, getting run over by car that wasn't there have a second ago when you looked in one direction in dogtown.

- enemies floating or otherwise glitching (ie clipping into walls) is still pretty bad
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