MisterHabbla1 deserve more recognition

In a Gwent that has no highlight, meta that are quite "stable" and predictable to the point it's not fun to watch and CDPR still refuse to hotfix anything, archetype is back in a way that no creativity is allowed in deck building, this dude comes save the day and makes some actual fun-to-watch gwent videos

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy other youtuber/streamer like McBeard and Trynet's videos, but those are deck guide and gameplay, Habbla is trying to create fun-to-watch gwent videos and I really appreciate it, haven't laughed while watching gwent videos for a long time until this guy comes along

He deserve to be at least official partner and more views and subs
What gwent need is the return of Blitz mode. So that the majority of players would have fun playing this game, rather than watch some memy streamers.

(Dont get me wrong, I like the content that guy provides, but wanted to turn attention into another subject, as devs needs to be daily reminded of the great joy the community had during August speed gwent).
What gwent need is the return of Blitz mode. So that the majority of players would have fun playing this game, rather than watch some memy streamers.

(Dont get me wrong, I like the content that guy provides, but wanted to turn attention into another subject, as devs needs to be daily reminded of the great joy the community had during August speed gwent).
I heard they wanted to make animations (charges, transitions etc) faster first, but it's not easy and will take them time after they're done with the other stuff (expansion)


Forum regular
He deserve to be at least official partner and more views and subs

He's a Gwent Partner already since wednesday If I don't remember wrong.
Follow him on twitch and gift him a couple subs, that'l go a long way.
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