Most annoying cards/mechanics

So, a topic to share your thoughts and hopefully get some things changed if enough people agree on them.

Number one for me: Traheaern var Vdyffir. This card is completely stupid. Viper witchers were annoying and they were nothing in comparison to this card. At least with witchers total randomness you could have removed bad cards, thining your opponents deck and actually making their future hand stronger. With Trah you can't, you pick a card, you can pick none. So you can absolutely destroy your opponents gameplan before the game even develops, with the use of one terribly designed card. Remove him from the game or change him completely.

Number two: unicorn/chironex. Neutral cards so powerful that they are in almost every single deck are a problem. These two are especially imbalanced when you get them in round 1 and act as second, not only because they are too powerful, also because Tactical Advantage works as a buff so you always get a good target for your chironex, and damaging is almost always much better than buffing, with a lot of cards killing strong units and removing buffs. Generaly cards that reward you just for having them are kind of silly. Crones have a much much better mechanic because not only you need to get them, you also need to play them to buff one another, often playing them in less than optimal way, or having to wait a turn and stuff like that. So if the mechanic behind uni/chiro stays as it is, they need to be cheaper and weaker cards, like deal two dmg, buff by two, and then four if you have both of them, so the reward isn't as significant.

Number three: Tactical Advantage itself. I don't think it should be working as a buff. Either you should be starting with a fixed amount of points, or if you want to keep it as a card it should be immune card with fixed strenght and unable to buff by any means, this way only nuisance would be that it takes one spot on your row, like you came to the battlefield first and made some trenches or something lol.

Cheers, hopefully the game will get better and less annoying. Even now i think it's the best card game of this kind, and the potential is almost unlimited :)
Agreed on Traheaern. He's a 4 body for 6p too :). Yeah, he might burn a bad card. He also might not. This kind of RNG is something they should be more careful... oh nevermind. Even if he burns a bad card it's probably worth it too. Seeing 3 cards by itself is valuable.

Agreed on Chiro/Unicorn too. 8 points of damage is ridiculous. 4 points is very good. 8 points of boosting is pretty potent too. There is a reason these cards are so common. Honestly, it's a global issue with neutrals. Many of them are just... that good.

I'll add Isbel to the list. I know some people think forcing opponent cards to auto-banish or "mill" is a cool concept. I don't share the view. It's not really unbalanced but it's highly annoying.

Rot Tosser, Sihil, Predatory Dive, Waylay, Usurper and Eredin (immune in general actually) get honorable mentions. Again, not necessarily due to balance reasons in all cases.
When you are talking about annoying I disagree on all three counts. Tactical Advantage, meaning going first, is usually still a disadvantage. As such, the one time buff isn't annoying nor is it very strong. The Unicorn combo might actually be a little bit too much, but, even though it's strong, the mechanic itself is not annoying. Lastly (well firstly in your case), Traheaern I could actually see as being annoying if not for the fact that the Viper Witchers steal the show here. Yeah, they are random, but that's exactly what makes them annoying. They can hit invaluable targets when they really have no business to do so in the first place.

I think that annoying and OP cards walk a very fine line. There are quite a few strong cards, but very few that are truly annoying. Mostly the ones that do something they are not suppose to do as the aforementioned Viper Witchers; being more annoying than strong.

- Viper Witchers should only be allowed to discard bronze cards, although I rather see their ability change altogether.
- Kambi needs to go.
- Predatory Dive should only work when there are units on both sides of the board.
- Waylay needs to be changed altogether.
- Isbel needs a Truce tag.
- Tibor/Vilgefortz/Ihuarraquax: the summon mechanic is weird and should be changed.
- End of turn effects should not trigger at the end of the round.
Traheaern is OK
Vipers remove bronzes
Remove Sumon
Rework Sihil,Spears
TacticalAdvantage lower to 4
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