Moving over to PC, first impressions, it would be nice to have "native" controller support options!

It's very regrettable that CDPR decided to stop supporting console, but it's done and over with now. What would be nice is if they used that technology they have available to make PS4 and Xbox controller interfaces for PC to let people use PC Gwent with a controller. I mean, not just controller support, but using the native interfaces from PS4 and Xbox to get "real" controller support.

Moving from console to PC I have some first impressions actually. PS4 version was like the PC version "highest" graphic mode, but it was more stable than the PC version. I've already experienced some weird stuttering issues (windowed mode only), and some weird network issues on the PC version, and I barely tested it. To be perfectly straight, the PS4 version was excellent and very reliable. It will be sorely missed. I really liked sitting back and just enjoying Gwent. It could sound as if a console version of Gwent could feel clumsy or awkward to control, but that's not the case. In my opinion it felt more slick than the PC version, it was superb.

I've also read/noticed that some players are actually having some issues with not having a controller, yet getting the controller interface in Gwent. I think it would be great for controller people and the rest alike, if it was possible to actually set this in the options menu manually and add the above described controller support to Gwent on PC.

I'm pretty much just ranting on here, it's with a heavy heart that I requested to transfer my console account stuff to GOG/PC.

I'm trying to make my setup feel less PC'ish, and at one point I will probably want to be able to use a controller (if possible), but for my initial testing on PC, I've actually been able to sit back and relax with Gwent with a wireless mouse. It's not ideal, and I still have to find a good solution for the sound. I'm used to connecting an analogue headset to my PS4 controller and get really good sound in this way, in a very convenient manner. Right now I'm stuck with a book on my lap, a wireless mouse and bad sound coming from the TV. Things are slowly moving forward I guess. Another thing is I'm getting an issue that I mulligan two card at once instead of one card, could be due to my mouse having an issue I guess, but I can't have it like that if I'm to play on PC.

With my "new" account I was able to climb to rank 25 or so, with the worst ever decks. 16 out of 18 wins with a very tiny collection. It was interesting to try a "fresh start" Gwent again to gain some perspective on that experience. But having deck building experience it is still different to craft the right cards, than it would be without experience. I guess if you are clueless, all the greyed out cards can be a bit overwhelming. Ooh, and I was quite shocked that CDPR now has decided to sell faction kegs for ore. I mean, that's just making it too easy! And it devalues the reward books.

I guess when my console account overwrites my new PC account I will be able to demolish the opponents for weeks and climb the ranks very fast. But I am looking forward to settling in my own rank range again and playing some real challenging matches. Playing casual matches on the frozen PC4 version has been both fun, weird and boring.
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