New Decks

New Decks

How many of you try and build new decks that aren't the same cookie cutter meta decks or slight variations of them?

I'm constantly trying to build decks that aren't the same deck that everyone is playing. It also really helps to throw off your opponent.

I'm still really low rank but I'm on a 13 game (ranked) win streak with a "custom" monster deck. I have no idea how it will perform as I gain ranks but I'm having a great time with it and often get the "Not bad, not bad at all" emote at the end of the match.
I also try to spice things up with custom decks.

Kambi/Hjalmar control deck
Mill Nilfgaard --> Never works don't try it out ^^
Reveal/Spy hybrid Nilfgaard
Full balls to the walls gold NR deck

And my most favorite of them all

The "whatever dude Skellige deck"

It's basicly a clown fiesta of a deck with 4 different decktypes mixed together and some tech cards in it. I don't know why it works it just DOES ^^

Every now and then I check what the meta decks are to get some inspiration if im out of ideas, but i rarely play meta decks.
But from time to time it gets really frustrting facing the same deck and getting my ass handed to myself over and over again.

PS: pardon my englisch I know it's not the best
Well, i guess, alot of us?) Figuring out "what works" is basicly the best part of any CCG. Alas, there arent that many possible archtypes in game, too few cards yet. There are however some that dont "really work", but damn hillarious. Graverobber monsters are fun. Ever seen Shani played as 2 power gold with nothing to res? I have) Letho betrayal is also damn entertaining. Nothing like ending the game with 150+ point swing. Then there are "you have 0 power" weather monsters... this one actually works fairly well ATM, mostly because weather is a) Broken and b) is the only counter to ambush+dragoon abuse, wich is even more broken and is bloody everywhere.
There isnt much reason to "netdeck" in gwent. Mostly because majority of players just hop in to see whats going on after the last patch, or screw around with "almost working" decks. But you will end up facing very similar decks, simply because there arent many cards in game, and there is no real balance between them.
Im mostly a monsters player, so here is an example:
You have either "consuming units", wich give you alot of raw power, or weather immune guys, some of wich even benefit from weather. So we have 2 archtypes: Consume and Weather Control. They are obvious just because you want to get as much as possible from your every card.
Then cards themselves... they simply differ wildly in power. Old speartip is crazy good. Freightener is a total trash. Thats just one example. And since there arent many good cards, you see somewhat similar decks. And the further you go up the ladder, the less different cards you see.
I'm having a lot of fun with a new Radovid deck I just built, and my Monster Rush and Empress Menace decks. The last on never wins, but I'm tweaking it. It's frustrating trying to test new decks when you keep running into ST Ambush decks all day, even playing casual. But yeah, I try to avoid playing Meta at all.
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