Not my own creation, but edit of what looks to be fanart... (slightly NSFW)

Not my own creation, but edit of what looks to be fanart... (slightly NSFW)

[Edit] The original artist is maciejkuciara on deviant art.[/Edit]

I found a CyberPunk 2077 style image online that I really liked, but I don't know if the artists did this on purpose or what, but the image isn't reversed since the words in the image (such as "SWAT" on the uniforms and his signature at the end) were not reversed, but it seemed like everyone in the image was left-handed and the ejection ports on the guns were on the wrong side. So I took the time to reverse the image and unreverse the "SWAT" patches on their uniforms (apparently not as easy as I thought it was going to be...). So now the ejection ports are on the correct side of the guns and only two people in the image holding firearms are left-handed, a little more accurate representation of the general public. So I wanted to share it here in case anyone liked that for their wallpaper but also noticed the weird left-side ejection ports on all of the guns, lol. I didn't get around to trying to unreverse the artist's signature though, one day I'll take the time to do that too.

Ok, so nevermind, it's not letting me upload the image... I'll just link it:
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