Not working perks and wrong descriptions.

I want to adress the issue of at least 2 perks, namely Anamnesis and Subliminal Message - both perks do not work at all, and i've confirmed it with many other people. Could be some other perks not working as well. I also seen reddit post addressing this issue, and there was mentioned that perks work fine when you acquire them, but after next loading screen they stop working at all.
Also there are wrong descriptions on some Cyberware, specifically higher end Sandivian and Berserk models -Sandivian has wrong time slow down descriptions (for example Warp Dancer Sandivian tooltip says that it slows down time by 10%, while in reality by 90%; Berserk has at least wrong duration descriptions, for example Militech Berserk lasts 60 seconds instead of the tooltip value.
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