Other Cyberpunk PnPs

Other Cyberpunk PnPs

Besides Shadowrun, has anyone played any of the other Cyberpunk PnP rpgs like Corporation, Interface Zero, Cyberspace, Cybernet, others...?
How do they stack up against CP2020?
Only other Cyberpunk-flavored game I've ever played is Shadowrun. Never even played GURPS Cyberpunk.
Besides Shadowrun, has anyone played any of the other Cyberpunk PnP rpgs like Corporation, Interface Zero, Cyberspace, Cybernet, others...?
How do they stack up against CP2020?

Only other Cyberpunk-flavored game I've ever played is Shadowrun. Never even played GURPS Cyberpunk.

Maybe, No, Yes, No, Yes, Yes. Also Underground and SLA Industries, the latter of which is one of my favourite RPGs and a contender for what else I'd run. Oh and Dark Conspiracy, great little Cyberpunk Conspiracy Cthulhu game.

Hmm..an unnamed system that might have been Corporation - GM refused to tell us.

Eclipse Phase...little too posthuman, but whatever.

RIFTS...sort of.

Blue Planet...messed around with.

Trinity...cyber-ish..sort of punk-ish.

Probably a bunch of others I can't think of right now. We played some Champions cyberpunk...lessee...used Villains and Vigilantes for some noir goodness..Ninjas and Superspies..sort of?
As has been said many times - It's about "attitude" not rules.
Much like Cthulhu Cyberpunk can fit into any game sustem.
One I enjoyed a LOT was "Space 1889", a Steampunk setting.
One I enjoyed a LOT was "Space 1889", a Steampunk setting.

That was good.

I do think to be cyberpunk you need, you know, some cyber and some punk. Those are key. High tech, low life, etc. It is distinguishable from noir and grimdark and even steampunk.

On the subject of Steampunk, Deadlands Wild West was pretty cool.
I do think to be cyberpunk you need, you know, some cyber and some punk. Those are key. High tech, low life, etc. It is distinguishable from noir and grimdark and even steampunk.

Actually you need more "punk" than cyber.
Stange Day was really cyberpunk with really a few cyber involved.
Ghost in the shell or Deus Ex has a lot of cyber, but not enough "Punk" to be "pure breed Cyberpunk".
I think when there are more "Cyber" than "Punk" it becomes Transhumanism.
Cyberpunk roots itself in inegality, anti-capitalism, etc... so you really need more Punk than Cyber, just a computer, some hackers and Black Flag blasting on the radio.
Nowadays, people often think "cyberpunk" is just an aesthetic when it's way more than this, even Cyberpunk 2020 has a "punk" vibe to it, something timeless very "Fuck the power!" that goes beyond the cybernetics and all.

Well, that's just my opinion.
"Punk" is very much about refusing to conform to "acceptable" societal roles.
One of the things that made 1889 fun.
An aristocrat that actually works with his hands *gasp*!
A non-lower class woman wanting a career *for shame*!
An "Indiana Jones" type academic *unheard of*!
A Martian thinking she's just as good as an Englishman *damn wogs*!
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