The change where instead of being 2 damage/2 boost to 1 damage/3 boost has made it so it’s worthless to use offensively. It killed Milva: Sharpshooter (a really interesting card). If Milva was too strong, nerf her, not the leader ability.
At least if it was 2 damage/3 boost, both options would have their advantages and either could be used depending on the deck. Previously it was bad to move your own units, and now it’s bad to move your enemy’s units.
Please make this change before support ends. If GT remains as 3 boost/1 damage, Milva will forever be a worthless card. And the Leader’s offensive use will be unusable. Offensive movement decks have died since this change. Please don’t let an interesting deck type and card like Milva: Sharpshooter be dead before the game sunsets.
At least if it was 2 damage/3 boost, both options would have their advantages and either could be used depending on the deck. Previously it was bad to move your own units, and now it’s bad to move your enemy’s units.
Please make this change before support ends. If GT remains as 3 boost/1 damage, Milva will forever be a worthless card. And the Leader’s offensive use will be unusable. Offensive movement decks have died since this change. Please don’t let an interesting deck type and card like Milva: Sharpshooter be dead before the game sunsets.
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