Power Rating for Decks?

Power Rating for Decks?

I am al lvl 23 scoi'atel player and never spend a single cent on kegs. I've crafted some bronzies very early but besides that I never crafted anything. It has been a constant up and down with winning and loosing. Since I got Aglais I'm winning again and I'm very happy with my dwarf strat deck atm. In the Forums the topic of pay to win seems to be very much alive. I think you could say gwent is Pay to win since you actually need those legendary gold cards to have a chance against other people with legendary gold cards. But I do not believe this to be a problem. The main problem is the Matchmaking.

My suggestion is to implement a sort of power rating for each card. So you get a power level for an entire deck. This may not be dependend on the rarity of the card since I dont think all legendaries are equally strong.
Depending on the power lvl you have you would than be matched against people with about the same. This would not only improve the experience for new players but also for veterans because they could play around more with new and interesting strategies which may not be valid against very strong decks but still very fun to play. Another advantage of such a system is that It does not ristrict you in any way. If you want to build the ultimate deck for your faction you still can do so but this deck will actually have to face real challenges instead of stomping 15 newcomers in a row, who may have one or two gold cards in their deck.
Please excuse my language mistakes I am not a native speaker

have fun playing.
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