For some reason Both Sides Now completely makes Judy unavailable. By which I mean that there is no way to interact with her in her apartment and her quests will never trigger. This happened on my first playthrough of 1.5 and I couldnt find a solution, so I decided to just start over because I thought it might be a problem with the save file. Now on my second playthrough I was extra careful to find out what triggered this bug and if there was a patern or solution, turns out its the quest Both Sides Now that causes the bug. After finishing the quest Judy will remain in her apartment by the window, but its shut, and none of her dialogue will show up, not even the object dialogues around the apartment.
Second Issue is that the Nomad exculsive quest 'These Boots are Made for Walking' is not triggering. this could just be me not having patience, but in both my first (20h) and second (10h) playthrough of 1.5 this quest never triggered. I find this very strange because normally this quest triggers quite early in the second Act.
The Judy problem is the one that annoys me the most, I've done 5 playthroughs before 1.5, 4 of those on the PS4, and 2 of those around launch, and I have never encountered such major issues.
If this problem has a solution or is being worked on by CDPR then please tell me. For now I guess I'll just stop playing until it gets fixed.
video demonstrating the Both SIdes, Now issue.
Second Issue is that the Nomad exculsive quest 'These Boots are Made for Walking' is not triggering. this could just be me not having patience, but in both my first (20h) and second (10h) playthrough of 1.5 this quest never triggered. I find this very strange because normally this quest triggers quite early in the second Act.
The Judy problem is the one that annoys me the most, I've done 5 playthroughs before 1.5, 4 of those on the PS4, and 2 of those around launch, and I have never encountered such major issues.
If this problem has a solution or is being worked on by CDPR then please tell me. For now I guess I'll just stop playing until it gets fixed.
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