Query about (Not) Sleeping in Aldecaldo Camp (patch 1.5)

The bed in the Aldecaldo camp isn't available to sleep in for me. (If I leave camp, pass time for a bunch, it becomes available... but shortly after sleeping in it, it becomes unavailable again.)

I know that this behaviour has been experienced by other people.

The question I have is this: Are there people who do NOT experience this bug? They can just sleep in the bed after the questline finishes with no problem?

(I'm on a base system, never modded, but it's been consistently patched, not cleaned out and reloaded... my internet won't permit me that much downloading, btw).

It takes roughly 3 days of time skip to be able to sleep next to Panam again

Bug / Feature???
At this point in the games development its hard to tell.
It takes roughly 3 days of time skip to be able to sleep next to Panam again

Bug / Feature???
At this point in the games development its hard to tell.
Well, I have opened a ticket regarding this issue (and the shower) a few days ago and I have received the following response:

Thanks for reaching out to us.

The sleeping in bed interaction in the Nomad camp is available every 3 days.

We're working on the shower interaction, thanks for the report!
same for me i need leave the camp pass time ... go back to panam give her a hug ( when i can ) and only after i can sleep in the camp with she ... there is not this problem with judy ... and maybe the same for river ward i have not try with him
It's odd if it's intended, because there isn't an obvious reason why you couldn't sleep there every night...
i still think its a bug due to it not existing with Judy

Calling it a feature directly removes the admission of it being a bug or oversight
Sounds to me more like it's a function that's intended to avoid some other problem in the game. There may be a quest flag or something with the Panam stuff that means triggering the bed again within a 3-day cycle could bork some sort of timer or something. Not sure, but it doesn't seem like an accident.
Sounds to me more like it's a function that's intended to avoid some other problem in the game. There may be a quest flag or something with the Panam stuff that means triggering the bed again within a 3-day cycle could bork some sort of timer or something. Not sure, but it doesn't seem like an accident.
Makes sense considering no other LI has this issue :LOL:
still consider it a bug until we get a reason why it is made that way
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