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Blade runner is pretty at home in this setting :D

Might run a charisma gunslinger next playthrough.
Oh I'd love to get some attention to the most cyberpunky girl I could find in my images folder. As for the poster above me:

What even... There is some crazy thought put into that. I guess custom made? The tiny "view profile" elludes towards more uses than just the cyberpunk forums for certain. It's distinctive too. It'll stand out from the crowd. Though the colors I'm not a fan of, but thats all really. Really unique and interesting avatar. 7.2/10
Oh I'd love to get some attention to the most cyberpunky girl I could find in my images folder. As for the poster above me:

What even... There is some crazy thought put into that. I guess custom made? The tiny "view profile" elludes towards more uses than just the cyberpunk forums for certain. It's distinctive too. It'll stand out from the crowd. Though the colors I'm not a fan of, but thats all really. Really unique and interesting avatar. 7.2/10

9/10 Rating from me, definitely Punky with the hairstyle love it.
The face I feel certain parts of the community are pulling currently but drawn in a quality style with clean lines 8/10
Apex Predator Blob


Note: Mine was picked specifically to reflect my feelings about the release of Cyberpunk 2077.
10/10 reminds me of my first PC game "SubSpace"

(had to click 3 boats for verification to post this. Fucking ridiculous. If you don't trust your users, don't have a forum)
Looks like a safety conscious guy AND a fun guy all in one. 9/10 Looks like they might pop a blood vessel under all that niche design. Cause they're red.
Weird ass art you should watch carefully, weak minded person could get brain errors.

Now i want a bottle absinth for breakfast, and my eyeball. I need spoon to take out and fork to eat.
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