Really only one potion quickslot?

Really only one potion quickslot?

Although according to the options there are three quickslots, and according to the armor/jacket Geralt wears he has three potion slots . . . in the inventory I only ever see one. So, what's the deal?

Guest 2081505

Better armor -> more quickslots. You have to be patient.
Hmm... I'd considered that an armor upgrade might give me another slot, but this isn't confirmed by the graphical depiction of Geralt's initial armor. Even though only one loop is filled, there are still two more loops that look like they really, really want to be used. So, it doesn't make sense. Now . . . if the armor he's initially wearing only had one loop to hold a potion in: then I would've known for certain that an armor upgrade would mean another slot (and not just because of all the images of him with three filled slots).I also don't suppose the unchanging armor appearance saves the coders or graphics people very much extra work at all -- definitely not enough to be significant.As for me: it's not for lack of patience that I ask, just curiosity -- that and also what I mentioned above. I wanted to be sure.Well, anyway, thanks for letting me know. The armor's expensive, but obviously I'll get around to it eventually, even if people like Leuvaarden keep cheating me by making me buy Sephirahs off of them for more oren than I get for the [not really all that] dangerous favors they ask of me.
I see what you mean. You get 2 armor upgrades, One is available in Chapter 2 for a price. the other is only available in chapter 5 assuming you have done some questing for it. That's all I will say.
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