Release day , I got "THE CYBERPUNK 2077" and wait 2 years

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Release day , I got on XBOX "THE CYBERPUNK 2077" full price and wait (2 years for first play) after you fix all bugs :((((
after 2 years game fantastic

but dlc buy after 2 years bugs
no Russian audio

I sad
and mad
its fill like cheat, you dont respect us
i like witcher 3 the best game
It's like an expensive old wine - it has to be aged in the ground, in the dirt.... Only then does it acquire its unique flavor.
Are you ready to wait, for example, another 5 years for your favorite game? How deep is your devotion to the project?
You have to realize that only people with strong moral values can play this game.
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ha-ha :(
wen you buy
expensive old wine you know wat and for wat you do this
and first day for full price ( after you see amazing trailer and gameplay )

its like buy good candy and see inside poop no chocolate
and all game in russian voice but dlc NO ! :(((
i dont buy nlc ! no russian no buy
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and stupid politics game
about war
do you now how many people speak Russian
not in Russia speak Russian
warry sad
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Release day , I got on XBOX "THE CYBERPUNK 2077" full price and wait (2 years for first play) after you fix all bugs :((((
after 2 years game fantastic

but dlc buy after 2 years bugs
no Russian audio

I sad
and mad
its fill like cheat, you dont respect us
i like witcher 3 the best game
I guess it's a part of the decision CDPR take a while ago to not release their products on russian store anymore, so no russian language either :(
It's unfortunate but it's like @LeKill3rFou said, CDPR did announce they were pulling out of Russian stores completely. That was right at the beginning of the war too, two years ago. It stands to reason they wouldn't invest in Russian translation too since the products aren't meant to reach Russia at all. You really shouldn't be surprised.

Don't get me wrong, I sympathize with your situation but it's really old news to be honest.


"I guess it's a part of the decision CDPR take a while ago to not release their products on russian store anymore, so no russian language either :("

but not only in Russia speak Russian
many countries speak Russian
In Usa, Canada, countries in europe asia
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and i know russian voice dub. now you can download for free
and its pritty good
but wen I like the product I buy it
because I respect hard work
i think it is not a big problem for red buy the russian dub.
and sell it in xbox / playstation like a dlc for fine price
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Please do not try to drag politics here. CDPR have made their decision; unless they change it, there is nothing to discuss there.

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