[Suggestion] Play premium cards sounds when played

[Suggestion] Play premium cards sounds when played

Maybe it has been suggested before but I couldn't find it. My suggestion is that the premium card sounds we can hear when right clicking on a premium card should be played when the card is played. It would be so much cooler. What do you think?
That would be cool.

Though it would mean the removal of the "gold card is played" sound.
Some cards also have this effect though. The Woodland Spirit already has a special sound for one, there are a few more.
Otherwise it would cause far to much audio clutter. Also, some card's audio would need adjusting as it's not really impactful.
It should be a toggle option if they implement it. The same actually applies for the Premimum cards animation, especially considering it can gets quite demanding on low performance PC and it just is not going to get any easier with the introduction of more and more Premimum cards.
In Hearthstone legendary cards have music + voice audio effects, I think it wouldn't be hard to do in Gwent then. Imagine premium woodland with the new effect instead of the old one. With of without wolves audio
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