Suggestions. Things to change or fix in game.

Two things for a knife throwing build (and also crafting):

1 Let us craft everything or some stuff with a slide bar to craft couple things at once {can be even a perk that allows that}
2 Either let us pick a knife off of an enemy {a perk that allows that/two or three perks with % chances to pick up a knife} or make it so after picking up the throwing perk allow knifes to be equiped as grenades or while holding a knife give us a visual info on its "ammunition" and after throwing one (while still in aiming mode) equip another one (if RMB has been let go > equip fists).

Also i hope for it in future dlcs - more cyberware, like a arm (flame)thrower that can spew out different status thingies - flame, corrosive accid {poison} a tazer zapp or tiny metal shrapnels {bleed} the model could be used like in the rocket launcher, different mods could change the status effect and damage type like in the launcher, simply a close range weapon that can be held and had a fuel bar that has to be replenished by waiting.
Mabye an arm cannon with different types of ammunition
(smasher has one and shoots someone in a cutscene with it)
that could be modded with changing its barrel to a short burst (submachinegun) a close shotgun blast, a 50cal blast.Or new better graded existing cyberware (kiroshi, legs)

Last thing > a perk tree for cyber weapons. Yes mantis works with blades, monowire with blunt (btw wtf?) and gorilla with blunt too (back to monowire - wtf?). If you decide to add more cyber weapons a tree for it would be perfect (or overally a tree for cyber implants). Or at least include those from tech and engineer into the rocket launcher.
1) revisit crafting.
I must have clicked about 2500 times now to craft items. not kidding. pls add a craft x times option. why make it so tedious?

2) Add more inventory filters, like tier, value, dps - instead of just sorting.

3) Add mass/multi disassembly UI.
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Something has to get done about the itemization in the game. The world is big enough that there's a great big potential to go exploring for "cool stuff", but none of the cool stuff is worth aything as it is, aside from the style points of them having cool names.

Because item levels are the primary factor in determining stats for any item then it really isn't to your advantage to go out and explore and find those cool things, because what good does it do to have a unique pair of boots that costs 200 legendary components to upgrade to match the base stats of whatever random junk you can get at vendors or craft yourself?

Instead of having us iterate a million permutations of the same gun, why not let us unlock various crafting options we can use to tweak a gun in particular ways and then let us decide what variant of a particular gun we want? Headshot multiplier or chance to apply effect, crit chance or crit damage, raw damage or fire rate, but not all of the above. That would be cool. And it would help keep the unique weapons unique.

Aside from this, something also ought to get done with respect to the balancing. The window where encounters are actually interesting and challenging without being ridiculous bullet sponge nonsense or absolute cakewalks is too narrow. It feels as if player level is far too decisive in determining whether an encounter will be frustratingly difficult or completely trivial.
To be able to favorite vehicles to appear at the top of the list cos I have every vehicle in the game and its hard to find the ones i want to drive have to scroll a lot to find it.
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