

In a world we ruin as we breathe, we overpopulate and drain its resources to a point recycling is not enough, we clearly need another planet.. So we can have one more home in this galaxy.. When you think that we spend an unbelievable amount of money for tools of war, no amount of money is too big for a project like this.. Having another suitable planet in our solar system mean a great deal for human kind, aside from being an incredible scientific achievement, it would be a chance for human kind to grow, and if things go array, a chance for survival.. It is easy to make up imaginary solutions and say "our great grandchildren will be able to do this", but this is whats wrong with the world.. Relaying too much on the future.. The way we overpopulate the earth and the way they carelessly ruin the environment, there may not be a future for our grandchildren to live in..


Unfortunately, we do not have another planet that is suitable for life in the conventional sense.. But the terraforming is the solution.. According to our scientist, it is more than likely that at least two other planets in our solar system might have supported life before.. I'm guessing when you guys read "terraforming" you guys automatically assumed i was talking about Mars, didn't you? Wrong! This discussion is all about Venus.. Earth's sister planet.. (Also, only a fool imagine terraforming Mars, is has too little gravity, it can barely hold any atmosphere and if it ever had water before it is mostly gone.. It has so many problems that we can't fix without venturing into fiction i can't even begin to tell.. No offense to anyone..)

Now, Venus has some of the basics we can use.. It is about same size with earth, it has a similar gravity and so on.. And it has a large level of carbon dioxide which can also be used to terraform the planet.. (It has some bad sides too, it is too hot and it has too much pressure and so on) Using both "Bosch reaction" and "Sabatier reaction", by introducing lots of hydrogen into the planet, causing most of the carbon dioxide to turning into water.. (Also would reduce the heat and the pressure) They estimate that the 80% of the Venus would be covered by water after this.. Not saying any of this would be easy or cheap, i'm not even saying it would be finished in our lifetime, i'm just saying humanity needs this.. (Next step is to unite all the countries and start an earth republic.. Called the federation.. Then we can go in planetary wars.. YEAH!)


The closest thing i know to "terraforming" is Kiska's mess. Would be fun to see on bigger scale.
Wow, you guys really had "very" little to say about terraforming didn't you.. :D I wanted to make a funny topic with scientific facts, now its a funny topic with funninessnessness..

Anyway, next topic: Is moon a forgotten space station? :D
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