The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Script Compilation Errors

The game failed to launch from red launcher after upgrade. Here is the log:
Error [content0]game\quests\ Could not find function 'GetCannotUseUndying'
Error [content0]game\quests\ Could not find function 'SetCannotUseUndyingSkill'
Error [content0]game\player\movement\ Could not find function 'GetLeftStickSprint'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\ Could not find function 'OnShieldHit'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\ Could not find function 'IsSuperchargedSign'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\ Could not find function 'IsSuperchargedSign'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetLeftStickSprint'
Error [content0]game\explorations\exploration_movement_system\exploration_substates\ Could not find function 'TryPetHorse'
Error [content0]game\ Could not find function 'HasActiveTutorial'
Error [content0]game\ Could not find function 'ApplyCastSettings'
Error [content0]game\ Could not find function 'SetPhotoModeHorseKick'
Error [content0]game\ Could not find function 'ApplyCastSettings'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetLeftStickSprint'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'ApplyCastSettings'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\actions\ Could not find function 'IsSuperchargedSign'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\ Could not find function 'GetLeftStickSprint'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\ Could not find function 'GetLeftStickSprint'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\ Could not find function 'GetLeftStickSprint'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\ Could not find function 'GetLeftStickSprint'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\ Could not find function 'GetLeftStickSprint'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\ Could not find function 'SetLastSelectedRadialItem'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'ApplyCastSettings'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'SetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'SetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'SetCmbtCamera'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'SetCmbtCamera'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'SetHorseCamera'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'SetHorseCamera'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'SetSoftLockCameraAssist'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'SetSoftLockCameraAssist'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'SetLeftStickSprint'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ Could not find function 'SetLeftStickSprint'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\ Cannot call private function 'RemoveExtraOilsFromItem' in class 'W3PlayerWitcher' here.
Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\ Cannot call private function 'RemoveExtraOilsFromItem' in class 'W3PlayerWitcher' here.
Error [content0]game\vehicles\horse\states\ Could not find function 'GetPhotoModeHorseKick'
Error [content0]game\vehicles\horse\states\ Could not find function 'SetPhotoModeHorseKick'
Error [content0]game\player\states\vehicles\ Could not find function 'GetHorseCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\vehicles\ Could not find function 'GetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'SetLadderCamReset'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetLadderCamReset'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\vehicles\ Could not find function 'GetHorseCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetCmbtCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetCmbtCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetCmbtCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetCmbtCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetCmbtCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetSoftLockCameraAssist'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetCloseSignCam'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetSoftLockCameraAssist'
Error [content0]game\replacers\states\ Could not find function 'GetCmbtCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ 'climbingCam' is not a member of 'handle:CR4Player'
Error [content0]game\player\states\meditation\ Could not find function 'GetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\meditation\ Could not find function 'GetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\meditation\ Could not find function 'GetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetExplCamera'
Error [content0]game\player\states\ Could not find function 'GetExplCamera'

Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
I have removed the MODs manually and the game started.

But the game without MODs... argh! :disapprove:
I do not even have any mods and got this whole line of errors. The game worked fine just yesterday before patch:

Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'PotionSelectionPopup'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'OilSelectionPopup'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'OilSelectionPopup'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'GetRadialPopupShown'
Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'
Error [content0]game\gui\popups\ Could not find function 'EnableRadialInput'

Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
I do not even have any mods and got this whole line of errors. The game worked fine just yesterday before patch:
You never used mods?
The game still crash if you start a new game?
Because from what I understood, this kind of errors are generally due to a mod incompatible with the very last version of the game.
You never used mods?
The game still crash if you start a new game?
Because from what I understood, this kind of errors are generally due to a mod incompatible with the very last version of the game.
I used them, then after first error when tried to launch the game removed them and reinstalled it without them.
Still crashing when trying to run it
I used them, then after first error when tried to launch the game removed them and reinstalled it without them.
Still crashing when trying to run it
Not sure but try to remove everything in the "C:\Users\username\Documents\The Witcher 3" folder except your save files.
Then verify the game file on your launcher and launch the game.
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