Think I could do without multiplayer

After playing many hours of the game now, I'm really not feeling this notion of multiplayer DLC that is apparently coming at some point. This doesn't seem like a multiplayer kind of game. And the idea of leveling up a rando Arasaka security guard in a gank arena doesn't sound like a swell time.

What I want is more V, period.

I have one goal only when playing an RFP: create a beautiful character and level her up to a demigod so I can murder enemies who previously wiped the floor with me. And in this game, also date Judy and drink beers with Panam.

I do think the game needs an endless time sink, but I'd rather see something more along the lines of a random gig generator paired with a limitless secondary XP progression bar.
You're right, it does need a time sink. It feels a lot like a two player co-op multiplayer game, nothing like Red Dead Online or Call of Duty or anything like that.

I'd like to join some players in some drag and track racing. I'd also like to take on some of the larger missions like Arasaka Tower and the likes with other players, more robot combatants, some more of those car combat scenarios, things like that. But definitely need that time sink you are talking about.
I personally wish they would not waste time or resources on multiplayer would rather it go to , New stories
fixing the 6moth death clock
, new Romances, improving existing romances , taking stats off clothes its time to move forward and hope the DLC do that.
Completely agree. I am very much in the camp of "improving the existing singleplayer experience. Continuation of the ending, improved quest chains, more in-depth romances etc."

However, I have to say, multiplayer cyberpunk may give alot of people what they wanted from this game, a roleplaying experience that they can do street-level dirt jobs before rising in prominence with one of the gangs.

I think it's been rumoured that they're outsourcing the multiplayer side of things, in which case, it's development wouldn't necessarily impact the singe player lifecycle. But yes, regardless of what they do, the singeplayer element should remain the primary feature of the game.
Yeah agreed, not sure how multiplayer could even work... People are saying the game is too easy at this point, 2, 3, 4, 8 players on the same mission? Battle Royale could work but that would be game immersion breaking... perhaps broken up into the gangs, but still... I wouldn't want to see it. (Ive had my fill of BRs as I feel most have)

More single player for me please; expand upon the 6 month and perhaps a true cure.
But, if they make it PS VR compatible, I wouldn't care what they did with it. Fix the crashes and I'd be good. And then you got the whole PS VR community on board now too. It is a game about VR right?
Ordinarily I might not be that blasé about multiplayer. For example, the multiplayer in Mass Effect: Andromeda was actually really fun and probably the best part of the game. But for some reason it just seems weird here.

I think one reason for me is that the game is so hyper-focused on V that anything that takes you away from her perspective seems like a waste (Johnny missions don't count in my mind, for obvious reasons).

For me, I don't want to lose V's perspective because I'm enjoying it to such an insane degree that I just want MORE. It's what I'm starting to realize about the story as well: just running around and living the life of V the cyberpunk merc is something I'd like to see fleshed out much more. Part of me wants to get past the story where she's keeling over and dying every five minutes and be able to, you know, kind of relax, do merc things, make money, buy more cars, craft new equipment, experiment with new quickhacks, explore new areas, have new romantic adventures with Judy, encounter new enemies, run new gigs and side jobs, move into swank new mansions...

If they somehow integrate multiplayer into V's story I might be interested. Dying Light had an interesting approach to multiplayer; you could choose to play as a vampire who could then invade other player's games. This could be an option because those of us who insist on always playing V could continue to do so, and players who don't care could be, like, an Arasaka assassin or a daemon defending a data fortress V is trying to hack into... something like that.
Perhaps multiplayer could be tied into the "net"... so we end up with a "ready player one" or "tron" experience; might work, maybe, dosen't feel quite right to me either. If V is the main subject, then it should remain that way.
Ohh... No doubts we will get it... but what form will it take, will it be good, or worth it, is the question.
However, I have to say, multiplayer cyberpunk may give alot of people what they wanted from this game, a roleplaying experience that they can do street-level dirt jobs before rising in prominence with one of the gangs.
I'd be willing to bet most people wanted this *as V* and not as some voiceless GTAO character. Every second of advertising for this game was about immersing yourself in being a merc in NC; people want THAT V, without the relentless threat on your own life from the main story perpetually ruining any immersion.
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I would prefer all resources be put toward the single player team, but it's two different teams making two different games. That is what CDPR said in 2 or 3 different board meetings.

That being said, I could do without a Battle Pass system and I hope there are as little microtransactions as possible. Id really prefer there to not be a Battle Royale mode, no season structure, nor fomo mechanics. Just having classic Deathmatch and it's variations and also some form of co-op missions would be plenty okay.

For monitization I'd like them to just make a direct purchase store and definitely no utilization of a premium currency system.
It sounds like single player will include:

1) Deathmatch. Quake-era gameplay, only the setting is different.

2) "Heist Mode" -- playing single missions with a group of people. Yawn.

If the rumors are true, there will be no deep open world to take part in with other players. It's sounding more like a lobby to run single missions from.
I personally wish they would not waste time or resources on multiplayer would rather it go to , New stories
fixing the 6moth death clock
, new Romances, improving existing romances , taking stats off clothes its time to move forward and hope the DLC do that.

They wouldn't need to add much new content if they got a lot of the cut content up and running. *cough* Lifepaths *cough*
My experiences with multiplayer vary a lot. In persistent virtual worlds like Entropia Universe (no single player game) the dynamic lends itself very well to ad-hoc team or society team hunting and exploration but also allows complete 'solo' play without the slightest detriment. The same was true for Hellgate London where the same excitement of single player was easily realised in a group setting where random, ad-hoc teaming, alliances and missions were all rewarding and the joining mechanics were easy.

I am not a fan of any of the 'battle royale' style games, and dislike any environments that dash initial players hopes, and are taken over by the griefers and noob kill frenzy merchants who just dominate the feeling of despair. Similarly some multiplayers have attracted a population of immature players who spend all their time pogo hopping, photo bombing and trashing the scenery. It's not always malicious monkeys though, but even in games like Conqueror's Blade, you inevitably spend half your time in game being pushed aside by people duelling in town areas, or riding horses over your head and the 'noise' blots out the game sounds.

I do fear that in multiplayer Night City the car or bike will become that pantomime stunt horse and it won't just be NPCs that are constantly being shunted by speeding, rolling, crashing traffic driven down the pavements or off rooftops. I don't much enjoy the vision of a 'mischief making' cadre of players making the world a mobile kamikaze arena while you're trying to do a mission. There would have to be strict rules on PvP areas being totally separate to 'safe' areas where although you still face danger from NPCs and combat hazards you did not have to fear being killed by other players at every moment of the day. This might mean changing the Police mechanic similar to the type of structure used in Eve Online where the system regulates PvP not PvE, or having designated PvP regions with appropriate security level warnings.

Often a lot depends on how you can set up, join and benefit from team missions. In Conqueror's Blade for example you spend a lot of time simply 'waiting' for the clock to tick over into the next battle slot. I don't play any 'Command & Conquer' or Modern Warfare style games so I do not know how the multiplayer experience works in those.

I quite like cooperative games, even in simple offerings like Astroneer, being able to play alongside a friend or two is always fun, and I could see how a 'buddy' system like that might work in Night City which is otherwise a lonely gig in Single Player.

I play Skyrim a lot but only single player, heavily modded game with a team of custom mod followers, but never tried the online version as it would seem too flat to go back to their vanilla world, when you have lived in a private game world with over 300 mods.

As I am already using well over a dozen or more mods in Cyberpunk, that same re-entry situation might apply but I am curious to see how it might be organised, IF it ever happens. The other thing with me is I do not enjoy having to 'start again' with a new character. I nearly always play one character only per game over many years and never start new playthroughs and I am sure you won't be able to carry your single player character over to multiplayer.
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After playing many hours of the game now, I'm really not feeling this notion of multiplayer DLC that is apparently coming at some point. This doesn't seem like a multiplayer kind of game. And the idea of leveling up a rando Arasaka security guard in a gank arena doesn't sound like a swell time.

What I want is more V, period.

I have one goal only when playing an RFP: create a beautiful character and level her up to a demigod so I can murder enemies who previously wiped the floor with me. And in this game, also date Judy and drink beers with Panam.

I do think the game needs an endless time sink, but I'd rather see something more along the lines of a random gig generator paired with a limitless secondary XP progression bar.
Utter waste of money when so much more needs fixing in the game.
Lets not forget that CDP is company who at the end is about money. With MP, they will be able to reach out for new clients as there are people who are not so much into single player games but would be willing to buy the one with multiplayer option. I`m sure its different crew as things you need to implement for multiplayer are not the ones where you need large input of writers, actors and graphic designers so hopefully it will not effect DLC`s that much.

Still, I have no idea how MP would be able to work so it even be a total catastrophy or something very interesting. I`m leaning towards first option.
I quite like cooperative games, even in simple offerings like Astroneer, being able to play alongside a friend or two is always fun, and I could see how a 'buddy' system like that might work in Night City which is otherwise a lonely gig in Single Player.
Coop is sorta important for casuals like me and it's also a matter of age. My reaction times are way too slow for fast paced PvP. In theory everyone can find strategies to compensate on maps but then it takes lot of time. ME3 MP was silly fun and I played that one, even soloed gold. I don't think I could do anything like that anymore but there was this one game in Xbox game pass I played for awhile, dwarfs in space. It was silly fun as it didn't take ages to learn and I could still play pretty mean support.
It's not DLC, it's a standalone title being worked on by a very small team in a separate location from the main CDPR offices. We'll be getting more V or more user-created singleplayer expansions before the online sub title releases.
The entire team really should be focused on giving V access to the amazing boots that all of Night City is wearing except for her. I mean mostly the calf- and thigh-high boots, but today I saw an NPC wearing these, and I was just... WHY? Why would you put those in the game and not let V have a pair? It's just cruel.

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