Totalhalibut / Totalbiscuit

Read spoiler only if you want details about his condition.

He thought they got all of his cancer earlier this year, but it has metastasized to his liver, and it is inoperable. Although life expectancy with cancer is hard to predict, he has been given two to three years to live.

Whatever gods you subscribe to, or not, pray for him.
I can't believe what I'm reading. No one deserves to suffer like that especially someone like John Bain who has always been one to stand up and say what needed to be said about corrupt companies and journalists. I hope his wife and son are alright, this is bound to be a shock for them. The only thing we can hope for is that some pioneering medical treatment becomes available.
I hope his wife and son are alright, this is bound to be a shock for them.
That's what I think about too. I'm sure his wife will be fine. But his son is only 12 I think. TB might pass away before he reaches adulthood.
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That's what I think about too. I'm sure his wife will be fine. But his son is only 12 I think. TB might pass away before he reaches adulthood.

Aye it's a sad state of affairs when a kid that young has no father to support him through life. We can only hope that such a negative future does not come to pass.
Tbh the kid wasn't his biological son, his wife had him from a previous relationship and TB's only been in his life for a couple of years ( since he was barred from settling down with his wife in the US due to visa BS until a few years ago ) so I think he'll be fine ( as fine as kid without a dad can be anyway ).

It's still quite a shock to me what happened as I had been following him for quite a while now and he really left an impression on me. Learned quite a lot from his videos and some of his stories served as an inspiration to me. He's still quite young and to go at that age from such a disease is a bloody damned shame. I pray they find a way to save him.
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No words. One of the first YouTubers I started following back in my younger days.

Just... Fuck Cancer.
Karma always return :(.

^Half the internet's spouted off like that. Keep in mind he was getting bombarded by assholes during the gamergate fiasco. There are people on Twitter celebrating the news. To me, if there's a line of decency to be upheld, this is it. That goes for both camps.
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@dooot You chose a great time to be edgy, nice going, mate. You talking about karma's pretty rich, in this situation.

Anyway, not much to say about TB's situation - terrible news no matter how you look at it.
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Karma always return :(.

Mind you, he was deeply ashamed of this comment and for years to come he expressed remorse whenever someone brought that topic, calling past self an idiot. I think when he was first diagnosed he himself even noted the irony of that.

Of course constantly bringing up this one dumb comment he made in the middle of heated discussion, after he already apologised and showed regret over , I consider personally a very silly and petty thing to do.
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