Trollololo needs to stop. Just stop.

Trollololo needs to stop. Just stop.

So this is what I like about Trollololo. He completes a trio, if you pair him with two other thirds of a trio. Awesome. Good job Trollololo, way to be a team player. But! I need Trollololo to stop being a team player when the third part of the trio shows up. Like, thanks for filling in Trollololo, we appreciate it, but the regular guy is back on Monday.

Case in point:

Blue Stripes. You have two Blue Stripes on a row, and you put down Trollololo, who completes the trio, kicking an extra Blue Stripes into your deck. Fine, fine, everyone is doing their job nicely, and everyone is getting along. However, when you play the third Blue Stripe on that row, Trollololo, not realizing he was a temp, needs to get moved to the basement with Milton, because he's preventing the trio ability from kicking off again. And that Trio ability isn't that good to begin with.

Now, I know what you're saying, "But that will make Reavers too powerful!" Stop with that nonsense. No it won't, because their trio ability isn't that good compared to their self boosting ability, and NR Trio play is already garbage. No amount of buffing is really gonna help it (this is the cynical view, of course). But the trio abilities aren't so great that Trollololo can't be a part and not be a part at the same time. And I think it would give people who want to play NR a more optimistic view of the faction.

Just my two cents. But, please be advised, that it was never my intention to make Trollololo feel bad about himself, or diminish all the hard work he has put in for the faction.
Trollololo is a troll. He cant be smart in his good intentions. Please forgive him! He is just a troll.

Or maybe he is just trolling with you. In that case you must hire some witchers to kill him.
Pikes in air! Swords to sky! Nilfgaard Scum must die die die!
He just wants to guard the boatses.

For real though, I really love Trollololo's theme, since he's sort of a self proclaimed Redanian soldier in the Witcher 3, and your suggestion would help alot, but I feel like there just aren't enough Trio's for Trollololo to be of any use anyway. Even in Reaver Hunters, the effect jut isn't good enough.
But all such cards don't trigger trio effect from the fourth unit (obtained by Operator or Eredin, for example), and this is intended...
Maybe it is time Trollolo went back to his old ways, you know, kicking a point off enemies and adding to himself.
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