V's vehicle despawn after missions.

So, as in the title. I started playing first time, after patch 2.0.

Game looks and feels fine.

Only problem i had, was with immersion. Most specificaly with driving.

Honestly, a game that has driving and immersive as this game, i would've liked to be a speed limit option, like in mafia, so you dont pedal to the metal all the time.
Thankfully, there are mods for this, so there is a workaround.

But the other "problem" i face immersion vise is vehicle despawns. Like you got to a mission, park in the parking lot nice and dandy. Then finish your thing, and come back to an empty loot. Like dunno, it bothers my immersive self so much.

I remember playing mafia way back. I hit a road sign on my way to the mission, i got there, did my mission, and when i went back, that road sign was still broken.

Sometime, cutseens happen, and your car get placed to a different location, which is okaaay i guess, but completle removing form the game, bc you did a main misson and your car is just puff, gone.
I'd say speed limits make more sense in a mafia setting. In Cyberpunk the police has bigger fish to fry. Of course, in this type of future you could easily just automatically be forced to pay a fine without any direct police interaction. But that might take away more fun than adding to it.

That being said, I agree that disappearing cars like that can be immersion breaking. On the other hand, my parking skills have caused traffic problems in cp, so in some cases a disappearing car might be better :shrug:
I'd say speed limits make more sense in a mafia setting. In Cyberpunk the police has bigger fish to fry. Of course, in this type of future you could easily just automatically be forced to pay a fine without any direct police interaction. But that might take away more fun than adding to it.

That being said, I agree that disappearing cars like that can be immersion breaking. On the other hand, my parking skills have caused traffic problems in cp, so in some cases a disappearing car might be better :shrug:
Its not just about police, its the immersion. I even searched for a speed limit mod, in gta V. :D

I even get bothered by the red lights switching to green as soon as a player gets near. But oh well. Mods can solve a lot of immersion breaking stuff, but despawning cars are not one of them.

Im sure there are a lot more ppl out there, who like to immerse themselfs into worlds, like this. And some "small" stuff, like Vs car just despawning is quiet a problem. :D
Its not just about police, its the immersion. I even searched for a speed limit mod, in gta V. :D

I even get bothered by the red lights switching to green as soon as a player gets near. But oh well. Mods can solve a lot of immersion breaking stuff, but despawning cars are not one of them.

Im sure there are a lot more ppl out there, who like to immerse themselfs into worlds, like this. And some "small" stuff, like Vs car just despawning is quiet a problem. :D

I understood that but for me it would have the opposite effect as for me it feels very weird in a cyberpunk setting. I get why it’s in GTA or Mafia, but that’s a very different setting. So I doubt there’s a solution everyone will enjoy. But yeah, that’s the cool thing about mods, they provide alternatives :)


You all can try this mod. See if it sustains your vehicle.

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You all can try this mod. See if it sustains your vehicle.

i acctually have this, but what this does, is keeping your car where you left, only if you dont do missions.

Even if i had this, when i went to Lizzys bar, left my car at the parking lot, did the mission, got back, and my car is gone. Thats what bothers me.
I'm surprised this was was even a thought. CP is not a driving simulator, it works on PC and consoles with controllers. On-off vehicle control is therefore inevitable.

Open world games are notoriously difficult to adapt to permanent micro changes.

In-game, vehicles are capable of self-driving which is how they arrive. Imagine waiting for a called vehicle to cross the city to get to you. Going off when out of range seems quite resonable. Also, imagine if you get a vehicle crashed or stuck, they'd be lost forever !

Some things are done out of necessity and some are done to eliminate boring delays.

Guest 4561861

I've actually hated vehicles despawning since day 1. The only thing I hate more are vehicle dead zones. Driving up to some place and the car just stops. Usually right where I don't want it.

Back on topic. Rescue the ripper doc; car gone, even if it was parked in a safe space. Rescue the convict's wife; car gone. There is absolutely no reason for it. Strangely enough, if V leaves a vehicle in a random areas, it's more likely to be there days later (game time.)
Rescue the ripper doc; car gone, even if it was parked in a safe space. Rescue the convict's wife; car gone. There is absolutely no reason for it.
Just a guess, but I assume there is a (good) reason :)

I think at the end of both, the fixer send a car to pick up the person you rescue. And so, if V parked his vehicle right at the place where the fixer vehicle is supposed to spawn or even in its path (we know how good "car AI" is in Cyberpunk^^), it could be a problem.
Easy solution > despawning V's car most of time wherever the vehicle is, to prevent issue.

Pretty much the same reason about "vehicle dead zone", i.e to avoid potential issues (like when you meet Panam, the block you to be too close of Panam car for a good reason).

Guest 4561861

Just a guess, but I assume there is a (good) reason :)

I think at the end of both, the fixer send a car to pick up the person you rescue. And so, if V parked his vehicle right at the place where the fixer vehicle is supposed to spawn or even in its path (we know how good "car AI" is in Cyberpunk^^), it could be a problem.
Easy solution > despawning V's car most of time wherever the vehicle is, to prevent issue.

Pretty much the same reason about "vehicle dead zone", i.e to avoid potential issues (like when you meet Panam, the block you to be too close of Panam car for a good reason).
What you call a "(good) reason" I call laziness. I could forgive a lot of merde in the beginning but three years and many patches later this game should be polished AF. Instead we still have dead zones, cars sinking into the pavement, or floating above the pavement. And despawning. Instead we have dead bodies turn into gift bags.
What you call a "(good) reason" I call laziness. I could forgive a lot of merde in the beginning but three years and many patches later this game should be polished AF. Instead we still have dead zones, cars sinking into the pavement, or floating above the pavement. And despawning. Instead we have dead bodies turn into gift bags.
Call it "laziness" if you want, it doesn't change the fact that there is a reason why the game despawn your vehicle ;)
i acctually have this, but what this does, is keeping your car where you left, only if you dont do missions.

Even if i had this, when i went to Lizzys bar, left my car at the parking lot, did the mission, got back, and my car is gone. Thats what bothers me.
Yeah, noticed it's gotten a lot worse in 2.02. I beat Caesar, I prep to maneuver the Vato out of there, the gig concludes and poof, Vato gone. This a severe immersion breaker indeed.
Call it "laziness" if you want, it doesn't change the fact that there is a reason why the game despawn your vehicle ;)

Yeah, due to a shoddy engine and/or lack of care during development (y)

Other games manage to keep player vehcles in place or if they are in the way, move them slightly, they don't tend to despawn them.. :sneaky:

EDIT: I guess you aren't going to share that "reason" then...
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Its even more sad, that your car despawns, because not a lot of "car" game has, that when you stop, and you turn your steering wheel left or right and get out of the car, your wheels are gona stay in position, which is cool.
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