What's your best "Ideal Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay" Narrative?

What's your best "Ideal Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay" Narrative?

This is an interesting experiment I feel like running. Basically, do what you can to depict your experience, in as much detail as you like (both descriptive and gameplay-wise), with your ideal version of Cyberpunk.

As an example, I hope you'll indulge me and allow me to copy-paste my ideal depiction of Multiplayer gameplay which gave me this idea as a thread.

When I think about an ideal experience playing this game, it means I'm connecting in-game with my friend IRL, who plays a Solo. I play a Netrunner. We both take on a job, nothing too crazy, just a hostile infiltration.

Buddy is going to be sneaking and gunning through, and I'm gonna be working the computer security, allowing him to get through. I need him to take out security techs before they find me, he needs me to take down security grids before they blow up in his face or cook his guts.

Our in-game voice-chat is affected by in-game concerns. If I don't keep our communications clear of any problems, things get messy and static tolls the coming arrival of dead silence. Using Brain Dance I can check on his progress and help him interface remotely when necessary.

Suddenly, that AI I've been trying to avoid a few jobs back seems to be taking this as his opportunity to take me out. He's trying to cook me alive while remotely controlling some corp security bots, and now both of us are just in a race to the exit for survival.

Unless, of course, we decide to complete the job first, and hope our employers think we did well enough to deserve a ressurection.

Suddenly, I hear our rockerboy friend on the intercom. That fucker always seemed like a moron, but sending in an army of punks to destroy the robot army, setting up a distraction straight out of heaven, I'm almost considering marrying him.

That's Cyberpunk Co-Op, imo. If it's doable, then please please do it. If it isn't feasible, don't even try to skate by, just focus on single-player perfection.

So yeah, depict what you want a narrative of your experience, as a player invested in your character's experiences, to be like.

Have fun, and be creative!
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