Сupbearer does not play in assimilation at all, just like Siris is superfluous for harmony, because of abundance of other dryads in the deck. Why does Isengrim need a passive skill when it's outplayed by Cargo? These crutches interfere with them. Please make life easier for cards.
Van Moorlehem's Cupbearer (5 6) -Assimilate. Deploy (Melee): Poison a unit. Deploy (Ranged): Purify a unit.
Sirssa (5 6) -Harmony. Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 2 then boost a random unit in your hand by 2. Deathblow: Boost a unit in your hand instead.
Isengrim Faoiltiarna (6 7) - Deploy: Boost all allied Elves by 1.Whenever you play an Elf, boost self by 1.
Van Moorlehem's Cupbearer (5 6) -
Sirssa (5 6) -
Isengrim Faoiltiarna (6 7) - Deploy: Boost all allied Elves by 1.
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