Will Sony's Censorship Policies Affect CP2077?

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As you all know Sony has recently implemented a draconian new policy of censoring everything it considers "adult" meaning topless characters or anything that could be considered "sexy". They butchered DMC5 and a bunch of other games because they still think little kids play games.
It seems most likely that Sony will force CDPR to censor their game but will CDPR fight back?

Scenes like this:

will now no longer be allowed on Sony platforms.

Will this ruin the fun for the rest of us? Will CDPR now censor the game for everyone so one shoe fits all? I surely hope not. I dont like to be treated like a small kid.
And quite honestly these new censor laws is why i will not buy the PS5 going forward but thats another debate. What do you guys think?

Here is a video explaining this mess a lot better:
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