Gwent Up Meta report (23-29 Dec)

I was hoping the meta would find some decks with favourable matches vs dwarves. Turns out all we've got is elves running the same top 5 gold cards as dwarves or consume snowball. 10% more of the meta is dwarves, not counting the elven leader this week

I can understand the relatively less play the 'need to craft' leaders are getting at this stage. What do people make of unseen elder? Is there a viable deck that can be built around that card at present?
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Dwarf bronzes have 12/14/17 points without ANY setup. Meanwhile most silvers have 14-15 value, 3 Crones with setup have less points than 2 dwarfs LUL nice balance.
Add to this Ithlinne double tremor doing ~ 30 points swings

Its ok to make mistakes with balance, but its not ok to not hotfix it asap. Im feeling like im playing HS game without absolutly necessary hotfixes
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Seeing new meta report (29.12. - 5.1.)

Did any other deck ever had 41,8% play rate combined with 52,6% (positive against all but one leader) win rate in 4250+ bracket?

I think we hit the new standard :D
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I hope they change Dwarves to boost themselves instead. They completely killed Skellige with their strengthening abilities but left dwarves the same. /-:

I think the real reason the new leaders aren't being played is because they're not available to everybody. I still don't have Whispering Hillock, Eist, Usurper and the Filavandrel.
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