Anyone else ever get completely wrecked by the AI in Practice Mode?

Anyone else ever get completely wrecked by the AI in Practice Mode?

I like to play Practice Mode during down time at work; it's a good way to experiment with new decks without the pressure or time limits imposed by playing against real players. Anyway, as I'm sure most people know, the AI is pretty terrible most of the time, but every once in a while I get complacent and forget the decks they're playing and get punished immensely. I was trying out this Crach into Ocvist variant on Skellige Nova Bears, and was pretty proud of myself by going into Round 3 with a 16 strength Ocvist in my graveyard and Phoenix in my hand. I had first play and decided just to play out a Bearmaster to start out. Then the AI played now not only do I lose my 16 point resurrect but I also now have a dead Phoenix as a 5-point Gold.

Anyway, I still ended up winning the match despite this, but I just found it really amusing that it's even possible for the AI to wreck me so badly after all this time.
I use the AI a lot when first throwing together decks and every once in a while I don't think things through in the build and get painfully reminded
Yup. First stage of testing a new deck is ALWAYS against the AI for me. Not only familiarizing myself with my own cards, but also seeing what works and what doesn't. What thins and what very often bricks.

I really recommend this if you are building your decks. And yes, sometimes the AI can accidentally play well :p That's only when the stars align for its only good cards and options to be the same as the best options possible though.
Such a professors here... I've got wrecked once or twice and the other week I saw Mithranor got completely obliterated in two games in a row on the challenges, so yes, it can happen. Which is good when you need to move on from the ongoing BS online.
I never face A. I not a reliable way to assess your deck efficiency because real humans dont play like that.

Plus the A. I is a bitch for CA
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