Can't rest

Can't rest

  • I followed the instruction on D'jinni-Wiki: Resting places.
  • The template is m0_wp_standard.
  • The tag is meditate. (I also tried mediate like in the picture)
  • Area properties - Gameplay - No resting allowed is false
  • The gameplay conversations action type is sleep
Could someone tell me why there is no symbol for resting in the characters dialogue?
I have the same problem.I used the "sleep" option in the dialog properties,In the dialogI can ask for "rest"it goes on with "5 Orens" and automatically further with "no interest/bye", without any choice or sleep-icon.who can help?
I have exactly the same problem as the original poster.I followed the instructions in the wiki but, still, I cannot rest.
What's been driving me nuts all day today and half of yesterday is that I can't give Geralt the opportunity to sleep at the inn. I set "Can't rest" to False in the area attributes. I make a conversation with the innkeeper where Geralt has a conversational entry that's marked "gameplay" and "sleep." I have a waypoint with the tag "meditate." According to two different wiki tutorials, this should be all I need for Geralt to meditate up a storm, but nooooo.I open up "Side Effects" in Djinni and look at the Hairy Bear. Conversation, check. Area properties, check. Hmm, they're using the "info" waypoint, whereas the tutorials say to use the "standard" one. I change my waypoint to info. No change in actual behavior.I open up "Deception," and they're using the standard waypoint, with the same conversation and area stuff. I test play Deception and try to sleep at the inn, but the barmaid never gives me that opportunity. Then I remember that I slept there when I was playing for real just by clicking on the fire, that I wasn't able to get a conversational opportunity to sleep there then, either.I play "Side Effects," and yep, Geralt gets the opportunity to rent a room there. I look at the conversation, area properties, and waypoint, and mine all have the same settings. I change my conversation from something snappy to two lines: "Welcome to my inn" and "I'll rest and prepare." Nope, the longer conversation didn't make me screw up, because this one doesn't work, either.I'm tearing my hair out, and then I start to wonder if there's something they didn't mention in the tutorials, the way they don't mention actually activating spawn sets in the tutorial on spawn sets, so there's a second page that's just for mentioning that you have to include a script to activate it. I look at the scripts in "Side Effects" and see a lot of half-understood stuff, but nothing that looks as if it deals with meditation.Oh, Gods of Djinnni, what have I missed? If I send you chocolate or rub your feet or something, will you tell me the secret of sleeping in the lousy rotten inns? Not that I'm woefully frustrated or begging abjectly or anything like that. :D
I gave up trying to do it that way ... so i let Geralt meditate for free for now (until i can figure it out) ... that works just fine (make the fire -- or whatever you want to use as your resting trigger -- useable and add to the On Used field under scripts "ob_fireonuse"otherwise, i think we all await Ailinon (or Sinus') wisdom :)
I gave it up too long ago. And now I think just placing a fire place in every area is a better solution anyway.
AFAIR area in which you want to rest must have tags safe and indoor.
gamewidow said:
I gave up trying to do it that way ... so i let Geralt meditate for free for now (until i can figure it out) ... that works just fine (make the fire -- or whatever you want to use as your resting trigger -- useable and add to the On Used field under scripts "ob_fireonuse"otherwise, i think we all await Ailinon (or Sinus') wisdom :)
You could write script like this:
void main(){object oPC = GetFirstPC();object innk = GetObjectByTag("innkeaper");object way_med = GetObjectByTag("meditate");TakeGoldFromCreature(5, oPC);GiveGoldToCreature(innk, 5);AssignCommand(oPC, DelayCommand(0.2, ActionJumpToObject(way_med)));AssignCommand(oPC, Meditate(oPC));}
Sorry there was small mistake in the script, it's ok now.
gamewidow said:
that looks good, but does it use the sleep/meditate icon ?
You should give this script in conversation:A: "Pay 5 orens"B: "OK" - here in action script you ouhgt to give my script, it doesn't need any tags.Tags safe and indoor are only required when you want to sleep by this icon(and in sleep gameplay you can choose if Geralt have to pay sth, so you don't need the script).
but that is the whole point, people want to be able to have the sleep/meditate option from innkeepers and to require payment ... your script is nice, but I could already do that :)thanks anyway :peace:
I told you that when conversation type is set on gameplay -> sleep, then first parametr is price. Your area just must have tags safe and indoor. Sometimes people want to start meditate after conversation, not by icon, then the script is useful.
I tried it. My area has save an indoor, but it still do not work. There is no sleep icon.
I meditate only and strictly by script ;) ... but anyway I've tried as Kageru said:Area tag - indoorDescriptive properties - interiorSafe during day - trueSafe during night - truea waypoint with tag "meditate"a dialog line conversation Action Type - sleep, Action Param 1: Price - 5.. and it works!bye
nandusso said:
I meditate only and strictly by script ;) ... but anyway I've tried as Kageru said:Area tag - indoorDescriptive properties - interiorSafe during day - trueSafe during night - truea waypoint with tag "meditate"a dialog line conversation Action Type - sleep, Action Param 1: Price - 5.. and it works!bye
You're right, it does work. The one thing that seems to have been missing in both of the tutorials in the Wiki was "Area tag - indoor." Thank you so much!!! Thanks to Kageru for providing this information, and thanks to you for clarifying that he meant "Area tag" and not just "Descriptive properties."Edit: I've added this information to the two Resting tutorials in the Djinni Wiki.
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