Assassins creed IV official trailer

Pirates ey? Desmond's family lineage gets stranger and stranger....

Kinda worrying that they're crapping out a new one this fast though. Assassins Creed might very well be the Call of Duty of the stealth genre.
They pushed out another game in what, 4-5 months time? Call of Duty doesn't even do that and they have two studios working on them. Not a good sign.
Ubisoft doesn't care about long as it's selling like hot cakes(the last one sold 12 million copies)they ' ll continue with these annual releases...such a shame for a franchise that had so much potential......
How ironic it will be if this game ends up in some article as the #1 pirated game of the year. Of course, the statistics for such things are mostly pulled out of their own asses, but might as well enjoy the show.
Disclaimer: I have never played any of the AC titles.

The franchise and the characters intrigued me... up until the American Revolution. The setting doesn't do anything for me.

Pirates? Even less so, now. (Or, to be fair, equally disinterested as the American Revolution as a backdrop.) At the rate they're going, wouldn't be surprised if they took a stab (pun intended) at the "zombie" genre.
Redge: same here. I can tell you that the second and it's expansions were quite good - the mp was fun, too. Fresh setting, fun characters, good times. 3 leaves me cold and 4 looks the same. Assassin's Creed: Zombie War will surely follow.

I like the idea of the game, minus the dumb sci fi crap. I wish it was more stealth and less action but either way, lots of fun. Perhaps someone will build a takeoff that is intriguing again.
please don't compare this to CoD, the AC games put more than half of the entire industry to shame. Sure this yearly thing is affecting the quality, but despite that they are among the best there is. And for I'm also more excited for this, pirates! :D
I think that the pirate theme (even in its most dark representations, like in the original "Treasure Island") deserved a good game, finally.

Im not too sure if this is to be the one, I think that the douchebag decision of mixing "Pirates" to the "Assassin brand" is a bad idea... It's like apple and oranges. The [secret] Assassin sign on the Jolly Roger? Dont make me laugh... :p

As far as the trailer goes, I find it very strange that is Blackbeard, famous for being so cruel, fierce and flamboyant (always wanting to be the center of attention), who's basically telling you, dont hang out with me, hang out with this other dude, who is ten times cooler than me... Not a fan of those inconsistencies.., :p and the bad writing ["Amongst the gentlemen of fortune, sailing in the West Indies...he's ranked amongst the most clever"].

A couple of good things from the trailer and tidbits of info:

1)They finally figured out that they need a charaismatic, swashbuckling character to drive the players attention. Instead of all those stoic, boring ones.
2) NO DESMOND. "Future" settting has a very minor role, aparently.
3)Sidequesting will be meaningful, as in searching for shipwrecks full of treasure (like in Assassin's Creed 2, with the catacombs' raids).
4)Naval battles seem to take a big part of the game, which is great.

Things I dont like... Rushed games. And this Im sure is one of those, which will suffer for it.
i was eh at first.

but watching the trailer i am more excited for it. BUUUT even better who you are playing as, a certain other character that wasnt an assassin father.
so this should be interesting.
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