Forum suggestions, bugs, questions and opinions

Because we utterly disapprove of that around these here parts, what with ALL THE CYBERPUNK news and all. mutter.

Well, I disapprove of it, at least. There's a wonderful thread called 'The Forlorn Hope' that's great for random chatter. Me and 227 are having a fascinating DE-related discussion. He is, of course, wrong.

Anyway, I don't think Cyberpunk news should/would have any effect on the 'Forum suggestions, bugs, questions and opinions' thread...
Anyway, I don't think Cyberpunk news should/would have any effect on the 'Forum suggestions, bugs, questions and opinions' thread...

Ha! I'll bet we see quadmillion the traffic here once CDPR breaks the Chrome Wall of Silence.

Problem,( and look, on topic) with threads like the Forlorn Hope is that they do their job - they funnel conversation. The issue with that is that funnelling conversation discourages people from just saying what is on their mind in the thread that inspires it. On busier forums, that's pretty necessary, but around here, I hope to see people talking, chattering and stimulating each other as often as possible.

I've puzzled over the issue of how to both encourage people to post what they think, when they think it, while also encouraging them to post something taht whoever is reading the thread later will find useful and interesting.

Same reason I'm not currently into suggesting that people who have a thought on a topic go dig up the months-old original thread and then try to read through sixteen pages of it. We're low-pop enough that if someone has an idea on something that had a thread about in August, I'd rather they start a new thread and encourage people who see it to read the relatively few posts and add in their suggestion. Keeps things fresh.

I wonder how much of this would be eased by a more transparent forum directory and index? I know it can get pretty overwhelming, all the different trees and branches of discussion, when the forum does get busy.

Perhaps if you could hotlink a series of threads or in a sidebar, track certain topics, like the Forlorn Hope. So it's a mere click away at all times.


Forum veteran
Me and 227 are having a fascinating DE-related discussion. He is, of course, wrong.
Nuh-uh. Sometimes it seems that I'm wrong, but that's just an optical illusion like those magic eye images. If you look hard enough, you'll see my rightness pop right out at you.

Problem,( and look, on topic) with threads like the Forlorn Hope is that they do their job - they funnel conversation. The issue with that is that funnelling conversation discourages people from just saying what is on their mind in the thread that inspires it. On busier forums, that's pretty necessary, but around here, I hope to see people talking, chattering and stimulating each other as often as possible.
Could be fixed by having 5-10 off-topic threads.

Seriously, think about that-place-that-shan't-be-mentioned. That was 100% off-topic, and it allowed people to say basically anything because chances were that there was either a thread already talking about whatever they wanted to talk about or a thread old enough to bring back to life with their own random topic.

If you want everyone stimulating each other, though, you're going to have to resurrect the "post your picture" thread. Also, I vote we change its name to "Tits or GTFO" just to mess with new people.
I've puzzled over the issue of how to both encourage people to post what they think, when they think it, while also encouraging them to post something taht whoever is reading the thread later will find useful and interesting.

You always know what I think, ESPECIALLY when I'm wrong (see the Multi-player PvP thread).
We should write a Cyberpunk Survival Guide thread. To both assist newcomers and entertain ourselves until the next scrap of information.
It says that I have already changed my username once but it was always Aiden Pearce...what gives?
Edit:Now I remember that I was actually forced to this after forum was going through the changes and my username was "username_random numbers"...but that's not my fault,right?
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I guess I'm stuck with this name...thanks for that btw....

It's a...nice name? You could always, "re-roll" as the kids say. Chop your account and make a new one. I'll re-REDpoint you up to your current level as soon as you start posting, if that matters to you.
It's a...nice name? You could always, "re-roll" as the kids say. Chop your account and make a new one. I'll re-REDpoint you up to your current level as soon as you start posting, if that matters to you.

What about post count and achievements?
What about post count and achievements?

Thaaat's why it's a reroll.
Fortunately, it's a low count for both. Relatively. You'll climb back up fast, given both your enthusiasm, general intelligence of posts, ( your deplorable taste in not liking certain games nothwithstanding) and the amount of time before launch.
Thaaat's why it's a reroll.
Fortunately, it's a low count for both. Relatively. You'll climb back up fast, given both your enthusiasm, general intelligence of posts, ( your deplorable taste in not liking certain games nothwithstanding) and the amount of time before launch.
Oh....I see....Aiden...Aiden's not that bad actually.......................
I see you have just one, despite your many excellent suggestions in other threads. Hmmm. That doesn't seem fair, that you have less power.
Only if you really think so. I don't care for points, or achievements. I do care about honesty. Even if it's blunt or unpleasant.
Only if you really think so. I don't care for points, or achievements. I do care about honesty. Even if it's blunt or unpleasant.


Also, unpleasant honesty isn't too welcome around here - unless it's coming from me. Because I am glorious. Or WIsdom, because he can't help himself. Or Dragon, because she eats humans. Or...anyway. Where was I? Oh, right. Try for pleasant honesty. Pleasant-ish? Pleasant-er? Unless it makes Redge cry. That's fine. Even good.
You misunderstood me. There is value in kindness, but kindness masking a vile intent is worth less than a man who hates you openly, but at least is honest about it. "There's daggers in men's smiles". Macbeth: Act 2, Scene 3. Two honest men can share truths, even if some of them are hard. What liars can share between themselves?
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