Cyberpunk 2077 - Your Ideas For A Dream RPG

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If this game is about cyberpunk please make all heroes nonheroic! They shouldnt be evil badasses or fair boys.


If this is cyberpunk game we should deal whith information that we will seek for . So there shold be big part of gameplay connected to information wars where players should find usefull info for themselfs and misinform their enemies.

Itll be great if there will be abillity to make your own weapons. Not only guns. Viruses and spyprogrammes there should be too.

Before starting attack on smth id like to make a plan. So itll be great if there will be somekind of planing stage before mission.

There can be couple of basic classes with unique characteristicks but player should be able to change them in game.
I do hope that CP77 will get from "Skyrim" and "Hitman" Absolution" the feel of the alive world and not just artificial people who's functions are limited. In both of these games NPCs react, in W games they do react too, but I've found it rather limited (more like "Skyrim", less like "Hitman: Absolution"). In H:A people mock you when you run, or notify you when they see that you try to sneak, you'll be asked to leave the area if you try to tresspass, etc. If a guard will get suspicious about you he'll quite realistically start calling you to talk to you or tell you to stop moving away when you try to increase the distance between you and him. And if he gets highly suspicious (orange level) he'll even notify the other guards via radio (yes, notify with a dialogue) about suspicious man in [x] dress, blowing your cover. Unless you silence him before he does inform his collegues. H:A has the kind of level of interaction with enviroment that I'd like to see in CP77. In previous W it was quite limited and NPCs wandering around weren't doing all that much, or reacting so dynamically. They do seem to realize it, judging by what I can read about W3, so I hope they'll take it into the next level in the world of cyberpunk.
... In "Hitman" Absolution" people mock you when you run, or notify you when they see that you try to sneak, you'll be asked to leave the area if you try to tresspass, etc. ...

This sounds EXACTLY like the sort of thing I hope so see in CP2077.
What. The. Hell.

I allow that other number on the Witcher forum to live because he stays out of my way, but a new 2 popping up? No, this will not stand. I must destroy you. En garde, poseur deux.
- Make names relevant. Maybe your character can have the same last name of a mob family or the CEO of some multinational corporation, whether it be coincidental or intentional. If someone recognizes your name from somewhere, have them react appropriately to it.

- Talking during combat - whether you want to provoke or persuade someone, the ability to do so while in combat would add a lot of depth and is something that I haven't seen in my admittedly not-so-vast experience. Maybe it would be a simple command or a selection from some sort of weapon wheel. If I instigate a fight or run into one, I would like to be able to possibly apologize, provoke, or understand it while running/hiding behind cover. Also, I love what I saw in one of the Witcher 3 demos with the subtitles/captions above the head of the person who was saying it.

I mentioned this in my first post, but I'm assuming it was mostly glossed over considering the wall of text. I wanted to bring it up again because I think it would be really cool to see in this game, and I've yet to see it in any other RPG.


If this game is about cyberpunk please make all heroes nonheroic! They shouldnt be evil badasses or fair boys.

To be fair, there are people like that in real life, too. They aren't just tropes. I think it'd be better if we saw all types of people, but more of a certain type to keep in line with the overall setting and mood of the genre.

But i'm also fairly new to the Cyberpunk genre, so take that as you will...
- Would be beautiful if you can choose which way you want to take (maybe some more complex as "non-linear").
- Support for mods seems very important for me, cause the community is so creative.
- One of the important things should be a good story ... and i mean an EPIC story. Something that breake all records and beats everything! (very important for this are
good characters and really nice releationships witch player-choices)

i hope this will get the best game ever ;)
I'm totally with Lesting. Also, mod support should be a day 1 priority. None of that "REDkit released months/years later when enthusiasm has died down" crap.

Well done, sir or madam. We definitely need fewer dumb ideas and mo' Lesting.
I'm totally in favour of support for mods.
I also like L3s7ing's ideas and agree about the REDKit being available straight away.
An RPG dream in my opinion is..
Open world roaming
Living ,breathing environment
, dating, flirt options,serious relationships,move into a home/apartment with them. Would be cool to be able to take your date out into town or something lol
3rd person and 1st camera options
Freedom of choice
Full character customization
Weather Patterns
NPC actions and dialogue, hear conversations from afar
No invisible walls
Great main storyline
Able to explore whenever you feel like it
Earn/steal money
Buildings,shops,pubs to enter during your free time and enjoy yourself
Side quests
Apartments/homes to live
Being able to buy weapons in game,clothes, more hairstyles,tattoos etc
Great Animations /body language /emotions/walking etc
Vehicles to drive in
Good combat system
Every NPC looking different and not the same
Many interesting/different personalities with NPCs and main character
Would be nice to be able to sit down on chairs ,kick back and be able to pick up a drink/food and eat whenever you feel like it.
Be part of a group like in a gang..though would be fun to steal items when no one is looking.
Good detail
Mature content
No Aging
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I'd also love to see Mod Support built into the game.
But there may well be legal or technical issues that restrict/prohibit it.
If it's just a matter of time to implement it, delay the release.
An RPG dream in my opinion is..
Mature content

So true! I often wonder what extra goodies I could have bought if Geralt could have used magic to record his sex scenes and sell them to the people in Floatsam. I also always wondered why Geralt couldn't work as a prostitute for some extra cash, arm wresting and fighting grew tiresome.
В некоторых играх ломается оружие, пусть чипы и импланты, которые использует главный герой, так же ломаются. Их можно повредить при перестрелке, сильном электрическом ударе. Различные приборы блокируют работу чипов. А если проводить модификацию в ненадежном месте можно подцепить вирус. Все это может привести к потере некоторых приобретенный функций. Например, повреждение чипа отвечающего за передвижение приведет к тому, что герой начнет спотыкаться, будет медленнее преодолевать препятствия. При повреждении искусственного глаза, во время ночного виденья, картинка начнет смазываться. А при заражении вирусом все становится очень плохо: коротко временная потеря управления, заторможенный отклик на действие, произвольны неконтролируемые действия… Чтобы избежать заражения вирусом, нужно быть осторожным и прокачивать внутреннюю защиту, для защиты от остального ставить более надежные модификации. Некоторые чипы можно будет забирать и у других людей, однако если они принадлежат корпорации, то нужно найти человека, который их перепрограммирует. Пускай будут менее базовые прокачки, о которых можно узнать из слухов, или где то услышать. Например: в одной из лабораторий корпорации был придуман вирус способный обойти почти любую защиту, а на краю города живет человек который может внедрить этот вирус в вас лишь с небольшими повреждениями внутренних систем. И заполучив этот вирус и эти технологии вы можете прийти на какой ни будь охраняемый объект, подключиться к системе безопасности для проверки личности и заразить ее. Таким образом получить доступ к этому месту. Пускай информация о подобных вещах не всегда будет правдива и точна.
Если идея показалась Вам интересной, то пожалуйста сообщите мне об это.
Damaged Bioware/Cyberware can be good if done correctly, but assuming people will be able to slowly improve implants it might destroy all that hard work. Like making an Epic weapon have permanent durability and break once it's gone. Still, I like the idea :)
I'm 50/50 on the whole damage/durability issue.
While essential for MMOs to help control item availability and economics I've seen FAR to many single player games that boil down to: Fight one battle, spend time returning to town and hope you got enough loot to repair your gear because if not your chance to win your next battle is limited.
Real weapons and armor are often heirlooms passed down for generations, and sure some maintenance is required, but they're not 50-90% destroyed in one fight (unless you're talking about shields).
Jagged Alliance had a fairly good system for firearms, you could carry cleaning gear with you. Don't clean them and their accuracy goes down as their chance to jam increases, push them to the limit and they become near worthless scrap.
True. The biggest drawback to a system like that is player irritability, it's always nice to have a certain level of realism but it's a fine balance between enjoyment and kicking in your monitor. Most of us play games to escape reality for a while - better than a movie because it's interactive, more enjoyable than life because it's less complicated :)
In every game I've played with repair features, they have felt more like gimmicks than realism. Now I generally have no problem with gimmicks, but if they interfere with my gameplay and enjoyment of the game, than I'll have a problem. If CDPR can find that balance then I wouldn't object to the repair feature being in the game. Until then, however...
Finding the balance is the hard part of designing any game, PnP or PC/console.
Even the Korean MMOs where one character can perform some super whirlwind of death attack and hit everything on the screen for 10K damage have to be balanced to deal with single characters being able to dish out those kind of numbers.
Which brings up a related point.
I'd MUCH rather not see damage or "hit points" scale as a game progresses. Sure later in a game you may have access to better weapons but a single hit by a 5.56mm round should be consistent weather it's fired by a carbine, an assault rifle, a squad automatic, or a minigun - it's the number of hits you're likely to get with each that makes the difference.
Any why on earth should people get harder to injure as the game progresses? Use armor, make them harder to hit/damage instead.
Balance is always a fine line.

I also think Kazmer is onto something with his mention of virus attacks/defence, especially in Hand-to-Hand fighting. The ability to have cached programs on standby with which to attack (or be attacked) is an interesting idea. e.g. A program which temporarily infects cyber eyes and renders a virtual overlay changing friend/foe parameters.
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